The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 167

Your mileage may vary. The twists and turns and obstacles and successes and failures we endure as we walk our paths may be similar, but will not be the same. No one but me is inside my own head. I’m all alone in here, and I am in control of this body, I am in control of the choices available to me. When all is said and done I am empowered to do good or bad, be happy or discontent,

Positivity: Expectation

Expectation is a powerful means for positivity. If consciousness creates reality, than it goes to follow that expectation will create positivity or negativity, depending on what outcome you think will occur. A lot of people find the idea of “the power of positive thinking” to be hokey. Pie-in-the-sky absurdity. And if all you do is think positive, but you don’t feel it or act upon it, you cannot generate positivity. That being said, what you expect will often determine whether

Pathwalking 166

What is it I want from my life? Where do I want to take this path to? Who do I really want to be? Now that I have identified the real fear that causes me to sabotage myself, that being the fear of loss, what chances do I want to take that would lead to succeeding or failing? What is it I want to gain from my success or failure? This is a very hard question for me to answer.

Positivity: Lowering the Bar (Without lessening expectation)

Lower the bar without lowering the bar. We often read about or hear about how “the bar has been lowered” and “expectations are less” in regards to merit, to achievement and other things. We make jokes about how easy it is to “hurtle the lowered bar” to accomplish goals and receive accolades. While often times this does in fact mean we get less – just look at the American political landscape – this can be advantageous to our everyday lives.

Pathwalking 165

How do I overcome my fears so that I can stop from sabotaging myself again? This is a question I have never directly asked myself before, and now that I have it is time to explore it, and find some answers. The first step is to identify my fears. As mentioned previously, I have an equal fear of failure and success. However, even knowing that these are the two greatest fears that cause me to sabotage myself, they are not

Positivity: Every Day is a New Day

Every day is a new day. No matter what happened yesterday, or last week, or last year…every single day is new. Every day has the potential to be completely different from the last or the next. Because every day is new, every day has the potential to be a positive day. Every day can be loaded with positivity and good things. It is very easy to fall into the pattern of every day being the same. Get up, shower, drink

Pathwalking 164

How do you determine if you are your own saboteur? This is a topic unfortunately near and not-so-dear to my heart. This concept has reared its ugly head on more than one occasion for me, and represents a major obstacle in my works to manifest the life I truly desire to have. How do you sabotage yourself? This is something I have been trying to figure out for much of my life now, and I believe that getting at its

Positivity: New Directions

You can always choose a new direction. Whether metaphorically or literally, you always have options and choices as to the directions you choose to take. If life is not where you want it to be, if you are unhappy and feeling stuck – you can examine why you are feeling negative, and you can determine new directions to find positivity. Metaphorically, this might mean a shift in attitude. Are you seeing things in a positive or a negative light? It

Pathwalking 163

Whose path is it anyway? It never ceases to amaze me how many people try to tell us what is right for us. How many people will tell you that their way is the way, and yours is not. It can be terribly disconcerting, and disheartening. Believe me when I tell you that nobody but you can choose the right path for you. There are numerous forces in the world that would far prefer you disempowered, and taking the path

Positivity: Originality

It has been argued that there are no original ideas. I disagree. Why? Because each of us as individuals are completely original. Certainly we are the products of recycled genetics, but we are, none-the-less, original. I am the only me that there is. You are the only you in existence. Even if you are a twin, a triplet or an octuplet, you are original. One-of-a-kind. This is an amazingly positive idea. Because we are originals, we have something different to