The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 175

When one path ends, another path begins. Sometimes it’s hard to see what that next path is going to be, and sometimes that path is not revealed before you realize you are already upon it. I have written before that we are often on more than one path at a time. One major philosophy I believe is that life is not linear. We are very seldom on the move from point a to point b, we are traveling in ellipsis

Pathwalking 174

I look at the clutter around me, and find that this is my mindset manifest. I have never been known for keeping my workspace neat. When I had an office or a cubicle it was nearly always strewn about with papers and files and books and stuff. My desk at home spends maybe a day or two uncluttered. I clear it off, I shift stuff around, things get filed – yet somehow my desk almost appears to spontaneously generate paper

Pathwalking 173

Can I manifest more than one of the things I want in my life at a time? Can I focus on multiple goals at the same time, and make them all manifest? Simple answer – yes. Less simple answer – yes, but not without proper focus. Complex answer – yes, but do I really know what I want and can I give it the necessary focus? For me, focus is difficult. I think I might suffer from ADOS – Attention

Pathwalking 92

A lot of time here has been spent on the topic of gratitude.  But of almost equal importance, we need to also take a look at intention. Intent is about the outcome.  Intent is about the perception of a choice.  Intent is the answer to how you want whatever it is you are working on to be. Knowing our intent is of great importance, because if we do not know our intent, we will not necessarily get the outcome we

Pathwalking 91

Writers are often classed into one of two categories: Planners and Pantsers. Planners are the ones who create an outline, sometimes with immense details, and plan out their work to a greater or lesser degree.  They know their characters, locations, plot, beginning middle and end.  They have most if not all of their work pre-planned, and they know where they are going throughout the writing process. Pantsers are the ones who are more apt to go with stream-of-consciousness.  They have

Thoughts on opposition

Do you know what happens if we stand against one another, in opposition?  Do you know what we accomplish, what we achieve? Nothing. That’s right.  Opposing this and standing against that and resisting things gets you a whole lot of nothing.  It gets you nowhere. Look at the federal government.  Rather than work on a replacement for Obamacare, what do they do?  Oppose it.  And what do they accomplish?  Nothing. Carl Jung told it simply.  “What you resist, persists.” What

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