The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do No Harm

Do no harm. When you are walking whatever path you choose it should have no intentionally negative impact on anyone else. Whatever paths you walk in life, you need to be mindful to do no harm. Truthfully, this should be easy. Unfortunately, a lot of the examples of “success” that you see come with a deep, false narrative. This includes notions of shoving people out of the way (literally and figuratively); getting past, around, over, and through other people; “taking”

Why Choose Any Path at All?

Why choose any path at all? You always get to decide things, whether consciously or subconsciously. Doing so consciously gives you influence and control. There is no reason that you need to choose a path in life. You can simply go about your day-to-day activities, and let life happen. This might make you perfectly content. You may enjoy what life has to offer, and the adventure of your life may be ongoing and already acceptable to you. If that’s how

Stumbling Over Old Beliefs along my Path

Practicing mindfulness alone doesn’t always open the door to change old beliefs. One of the key elements of Pathwalking is using mindfulness to consciously create reality. Ergo, I am doing things to better myself and create the life I most desire to live. There are two super-frustrating things I cannot seem to get out of my head. These are my thought processes when it comes to money and when it comes to weight loss/body consciousness. Specifically, these are brain weasels

The World is Not on Fire

The World is Not on Fire Despite appearances, the world is not, in fact, burning down. There is no denying that we are living in trying times. The amount of hatred, anger, indignity, and negativity you and I encounter on a daily basis is utterly staggering. If you give this too much attention, it becomes far too easy to see the world as being on fire. Whether the dumpster fire is Trump, Brexit, corporate greed, climate change, or what-have-you, it

Life is Never a Singular Path

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are empowered to choose the path/paths you desire for you. Over the course of your life, you are going to have different goals at different times. Some are small goals, others are larger and have a wider impact. All of them are significant to you. There will be occasions when you are on more than one path at the same time. For example: developing a relationship

Are You Who You Desire to Be?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Are you who you desire to be? If not, why not? This is a simple question, certainly, but the answer is likely complicated. As children, we all have dreams and aspirations. You wanted to be an astronaut, or a firefighter, or a doctor, or an explorer seeking new lands and opportunities. The things you wanted to do as a child may have been realistic, or very out

Speaking Your Truth

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Speaking your truth is an incredible source of positivity. A lot of people may find this hard to believe, but that makes it no less true. When you speak your truth, you open yourself up because you are being your most true, genuine self. While it can be scary to show the world who you are by speaking your truth, it is unbelievably freeing. This is because

Recognizing the Three Brands of Truth

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   In any argument or discussion, there will always be three truths. Yours, Mine, and the Absolute. If you believe that the truth is the truth, you are right – but you are also wrong. This is because in many instances the truth is entirely dependent on viewpoint. In Return of the Jedi, Luke confronts Obi-Wan’s Force ghost about claiming that Darth Vader murdered his father, rather than

How does an Abundant Universe Impact Positivity?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   We live in an abundant Universe. What that means is that there is more than enough of everything, material or immaterial, that you desire for your life. One of the important reasons to be more mindful is to be more capable of recognizing the artifices of the world we live in.  A lot of our beliefs that we buy into have been bought and paid for by

Are Extremes Real or Artificial?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The world is seldom the extremes we are presented. There are many reasons why this is so, but the extremes of our world, the polar opposites, are seldom where anyone or anything actually exists. I believe that a lot of the emphasis on the extremes is because they seem easy.  Either/or situations can be made to feel simpler than having more choices on the table.  What’s more,