Speak Up and Be Heard!
The silent majority CANNOT remain silent. The time to speak up and be heard is NOW.

I recently read an article that lamented the massive social collapse of the United States. To say it was depressing and disheartening barely covers it.
It did make one very important point to me. The silent majority must no longer be silent.
We can’t keep reacting to what is going on in this country. It is time to be proactive. Before it’s truly too late.
Don’t think you can do anything? Not true. This nation was founded on people throwing off the yolk of tyranny.
Yes, I know there is a romanticizing of the Revolutionary War, that the Founding Fathers were imperfect slave-owners, and blah blah blah. However, the principles of the idea are what I think deserves focus and attention.
The silent majority needs to stand up, speak up, and not let the insanity currently engulfing this nation continue.
How do you speak up?
Let’s address the issues one by one, shall we?
The concentration camps of immigrants and children in cages? Speak up and demand that the press give this attention and that local governments and congress do something about it.
The unmarked police forces deployed by the DHS against the American people? Speak up and demand that this be stopped by Congress and local governments. This way lies ultimate tyranny, and the implications are far too huge to be ignored.
If it’s allowed to go on, what’s to stop them from becoming the same as the Nazi SS?
Police officers remaining free after murdering innocent black people? DEMAND justice. The police are NOT above the law and they cannot be allowed to continue murdering people just because they are black. Black lives matter.
If you don’t think the militarization of police forces is an issue – there is plenty of video evidence from Portland and other communities of cops gleefully attacking the people they should be protecting.
Kids being sent back to schools when COVID-19 is still killing thousands? Just NO. Speak up and let it be known the economy is NOT more important than the lives of teachers, children, and families. Do you realize that this will likely crash the economy HARDER than it already is suffering? This idea is unreasonable.
Insufficient testing, no national policy for masks in public? Stop letting Trump and his administration just get away with trying to ignore reality. It is abominable that there have been so many deaths – and they are STILL on the rise! Stop letting experts be denied instead of speculation and opinion.
Do it now before there is no tomorrow
Can you tell I am angry? Well, I am. I thought better of this nation – and since I still believe the majority stands for better – I am asking people to TAKE A STAND AND SPEAK UP.
I don’t want to be negative – but the truth is that if the silent majority does not break their silence, the insane, unreasonable, illogical, ludicrous minority will destroy this country and the lives of the people within it.
COVID-19 should not have killed 140,000+ people and rising. Immigrants should not be in concentration camps. Unmarked armed federal police shouldn’t exist at all. Individuals need financial aid and healthcare – big business and billionaires don’t need tax cuts. Life is precious – more so than money and possessions that seem to be all the government leadership cares about.
What can you do? Say something. Speak up. Do anything but remain silent. Silence is complacency – and that’s how the Nazis rose to power and how this nation is riding the razor’s edge to collapse.
Any and all changes in the world at large begin at home. With you and me. If we don’t accept or work on change – it certainly won’t come from anywhere else, either. So it’s up to us to change ourselves and use mindfulness to take charge of our lives.
By remaining silent, the majority are not being proactive. That has to change – before it’s too late.
What’s too late? A country under martial law, controlled even more blatantly by a disempowering few while more and more people and their lives are destroyed in the name of corporate greed, the stock market, money, and bullshit power.
We are far too close to this possible reality for comfort – which is why silence is no longer an option.
Speak up and be counted
There is a great line from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton that’s very relevant to the here-and-now:
“If you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for?”
If you do not take a stand and speak up – when matters are getting complicated and messy – what will you fall for? How long will you allow for the artificial “status quo” to continue – and to deteriorate?
The silent majority cannot continue to be silent – or else the situation will only worsen for EVERYONE. Maybe you haven’t lost someone to COVID-19; perhaps you have never been the victim of social injustice; maybe you have not been harassed because of your gender or skin color; that does not mean you will not be impacted just as much as those who are speaking up to be heard now down the line.
You are not powerless, no matter what walk of life you come from. If you are reading this, you have a degree of privilege that you shouldn’t take for granted – but that can be used to help those who lack the same. You can do your part to stand up for something important and be counted.
There is no time like the present. If the United States is going to get through this current insanity it will require the silent majority no longer being silent. Don’t just sit back and watch – speak up and be heard. Don’t just think someone else who is more impacted than you will fix the injustices – they can’t do it without you.
Recognize that you have power. Don’t waste it by not doing anything and waiting for something you will have no choice but to react to. Be proactive. Act now. Speak up. Please.
This IS a matter of positivity
How does this qualify as a matter of positivity? Because you HAVE the power to speak up. You are free and able to do so.
This is not just an issue regarding freedoms you enjoy as an American – it’s also a fact that you, and only you, get to choose how your life will look. What you do, when, how, and where you do it is entirely up to you.
When you decide to speak up, stand up, and no longer be silent, that is a positive action. Why? Because you cease to be motionless and complacent. You open yourself up to have influence and control over how change impacts YOU. That is enormously positive.
There is tremendous positivity when members of the silent majority speak up and become supporters. But it doesn’t come from your continued silence. Utilize the power you have and empower yourself to be a part of addressing and fixing matters – before they get any further out of control.
The silent majority CANNOT remain silent. The time to speak up and be heard is NOW.

Speaking up isn’t hard, but it does require thought, feeling, and action
Knowing that the silent majority only adds complacency from their silence, you have a choice to impact and change that – by speaking up and being heard. When you speak up and take part in being proactive instead of reactive, you gain influence and control over change, and that ultimately empowers you.
When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that can spread to people around you. It can create a feedback loop of awareness and positivity.
As such, you can build more positive feelings and discover more reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That can be the impetus to improve numerous aspects of your life for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of the current situation, and generate yet more positivity and gratitude.
This breaks the silence of the majority, and that can then spread to change the world for the better.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of immense positivity that can generate even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.
This is the three-hundred and thirty-eighth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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