The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Religion and politics again

Religion does not belong in politics.


This has nothing to do with ethics or spirituality – which are different and separate concepts.  It has to do with this obscene, horridly inappropriate push going on all across the nation to infuse religion to political issues.

We are not a Christian nation.  Period.  We are not a Muslim nation.  Or a Jewish state.  Or a Hindi nation.  Or Buddhist nation.  We are NONE of these…and at least partially all of them, too.

NO ONE RELIGION can or should dominate ANY political discussion.  Period.  No one religious morality should be part of political discourse.  End of story.

In the name of religious righteousness, politicians push their pro-life, anti-choice agendas.  Ludicrous, unacceptable and invasive procedures for women who wish to LEGALLY terminate pregnancies.  Allowing pharmacists to make decisions about what prescriptions they will fill based on their religious and ‘moral’ beliefs.  Teaching abstinence and not safe sex practices to teens.  All in the name of religious purity and morality.


Congress: How DARE you hold a conversation about birth control and contraception that does not include one single woman?  Are you serious?  Is this the dark ages again, or 2012?

What makes you think you can FORCE a procedure that is medically unnecessary for your own personal moral reason?  How can you justify this as anything but repressive, intolerant, and unfair?  And don’t give me some ridiculous line about ‘a woman may change her mind when she sees the fetus’ – she has made a choice, a choice she has a RIGHT to make – why subject her to more stress and discomfort?

I will state this part unequivocally.  I am a man.  As a man, I have NO RIGHT WHATSOVER to tell any WOMAN what SHE can do with HER body.  PERIOD.  Women are perfectly capable of making their OWN choices about THEIR bodies, and not only do not NEED – but do not WANT male input.  PERIOD.

Politicians should not be dictating public policy that reflects their personal religious beliefs.  That is NOT what this nation was founded on – and that is not where we should be heading.  The separation of church and state is both necessary, and wise.  And eroding it does NOT improve our ‘moral’ standing as a nation – it degrades it, as it degrades those whom are being repressed by these intolerant and oppressive ideas.

We must SPEAK UP!  We cannot let this stand!  Pay attention to these leaders, and what they do – and let’s not let them continue to make policy about things that are of NO DIRECT CONCERN to THEM, or part of their religious belief.  Let’s remove them from office, and elect people who focus on GOVERNING, and taking care of things that matter, like taxes, jobs, and the infrastructure of this nation.

Think about it.

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