Really, Truly, Anything is Possible – Anything at All
Anything is possible And that means a lot right now.

Today is the 4th of July. Independence Day in the USA.
Sadly, I am not feeling much like celebrating the nation. Too many steps backward, too many divisive forces doing worse and worst things. It’s a real challenge to feel like celebrating at all in this environment.
But at the same time, I am not going to get all pessimistic about it. I considered titling this blog “Is this one of the last birthdays of the USA?” But then, I determined I was not going to focus on the negative – this is about positivity, after all.
Thus, instead of looking to the insanity and feeling bad about where we are now – I am going to instead point out that anything is possible. Really, truly, anything at all is possible.
And along that line – turning things around and improving where the nation and the world are going is not impossible.
But you and I can do almost nothing about it. We can vote, protest, write emails, and make calls. That’s more or less it.
However, the other thing we can do is live our lives to the best of our abilities.
Living your best life isn’t selfish
It is especially hard to focus on choosing to live our best lives when we see a world in such incredible chaos.
But here’s the thing. Because we can do very, very little for and about the big picture matters, there is little value in giving them too much of our attention. Finding the balance between awareness of what’s going on and too much information is important.
But along that line – we need to focus more on what lets us live our best lives.
Immediately, this can feel hugely selfish. With all that’s going on, isn’t that notion incredibly selfish of me?
No. Because if you don’t live your best life – then who will?
It is not selfish to choose to take care of ourselves. So long as what we do is neither hurtful nor harmful to anyone else – it’s good and good for us.
You alone know you. And that’s why you need to put more emphasis on self-care and living your best life.
We each get one shot in these meatsuits to experience all this life has to offer. What we do with that – or not – is pretty much the primary thing in life that matters.
All the little bits and pieces that make up our lives are important. To fully understand this, we need to recognize and acknowledge how anything at all is possible.
Anything is possible
Life is unpredictable. You never know what might randomly occur – good, bad, or otherwise.
To some people, this is a scary notion. But I don’t agree. Because anything is possible – I see us being capable of amazing doings and amazing change.
Despite all the doom and gloom of the world at present – I think good can still be found. It can also still be created. We are more capable than we tend to give ourselves credit for.
Remembering this is important. When we recognize that anything is possible, we are open to possibility. And potential. We can do things to actively alter our life experience – and choose better for ourselves.
It is not selfish to do this.

Be mindful, aware, and practice self-care
Despite all that’s going on that’s bad in this world – we are empowered to seek and find better where we can.
Overall, this is going to be found within ourselves. Anything is possible for our lives – and we can use that to make choices and decisions to live as well as we possibly can.
We get to choose if we want to live our lives focused on all the things over which we have mostly no control – or to instead make the choices and decisions for our lives that are wholly ours. Knowing this is a matter of mindfulness – and conscious awareness of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions as such.
It may not seem like we control much at all. But when it comes to ourselves and our individual life experiences – anything is possible. But we must choose and decide what that looks like for ourselves.
Despite the appearance to the contrary – I believe we can turn this around. But until we begin with ourselves – being mindful, aware, and practicing self-care – we won’t get very far.
It’s good that anything is possible – because it means we can change this negative big picture. Then we might be able to build something new we can truly celebrate.
Recognizing that anything is possible isn’t hard
It’s all about working with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, and intentions to direct our actions.
When we recognize and acknowledge that anything is possible – we can use this as a vehicle for positivity to turn this crazy world towards new and better possibilities. Knowing that we can really only work with and from our own lives first, we can make use of that in our daily choices and decisions – and where we give our focus and attention. This empowers us – and in turn, our empowerment can empower others around us. That can expand to change the bigger picture matters.
Choosing for ourselves tends to lean positively.
Taking an approach to positivity and negativity – from the vast space that exists between them – shifts the concept in a way to opens more dialogue. In that form, we can explore and share where we are between those extremes and how that impacts us here and now.
Lastly, I believe the better aware we are of ourselves in the now, the more we can do to choose and decide how our life experiences will be. If that empowers us, it can also open those around us to their own empowerment. And that is, to me, a worthwhile endeavor to explore and share.
Thank you for coming along on this ride with me.
This is the four hundred and thirty-ninth entry of my Positivity series. I hope that these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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