The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Starting Over

You can always start again.

The rest of the animal kingdom has it much simpler than we do.  They look for food, they look for shelter, they seek a mate or mates to pass on their genetic material.  For them, life is a matter of course.  Whether a domesticated or a wild animal, their needs and wants are relatively simple, and easy to fill as such.

Humans are a lot more complex.  We have a much wider variety of needs beyond simply existing.  Certainly you can live to find food, shelter and a mate…but in the structure of the society we have built this will require other things to be achievable.  Our wants and our needs are infinitely more complex than the rest of the animals roaming this planet.


This is advantageous to us.  We have this amazing ability to build and create so far beyond our simplest resources.  We live in shelters complete with power and artificial heat and cooling, we can acquire food with currency from a single space without hunting/gathering or even necessarily growing it ourselves.  We can meet a mate on the other side of the world if we so choose.

When we make our choices about who we wish to be, what we wish to do, whom we wish to associate with, if we make them poorly we can always restart.  We can always begin again.  Because there are always more choices.

We lose sight of what a positive thing this is.  We get bogged down in the mundane, we find ourselves believing we are trapped in a world we would rather not be in.  This is only true when you accept it for truth.  But you can always start again, you can always begin anew.  And that is a very positive thing.

It may not be easy, it may not be simple, it may not be something you can do unassisted, but you can start again.  No matter how sad you are feeling, how lonely, how depressed, you can restart.  Just knowing and acknowledging this possibility can help us see that we have the ability to choose and create more positivity.


If you are in a negative situation, you can start again to build up a positive one.  The only limitations we have are those we set upon ourselves.  The ability to start over, the capability to make new and different choices is only limited by you and me.

Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action.  Knowing that you can start again will allow you to take a negative situation and restart it for a positive one.  Knowing that you can restart will help you to create a new reality for yourself, and to work towards making life to be what you desire.  You are empowered with the ability to start again and create Positivity.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the ninth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.

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