The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: How do you feel?

How do you feel?

You probably get this question or some variable of it a lot. How are you? How you feeling? How’s it going? It is also highly probable that more often than not you either ignore the question, or give a non-committal eh or ok or fine or good or such.

This is a more important question than we give weight to, and it is in truth a powerful tool for generating positivity.


How DO you feel? It’s fine to give a monosyllabic answer on the surface, but it is surprisingly important that you actually are aware of your emotion. How you are feeling will either take you down a path of positivity or negativity.

Do you feel tired? Cranky? Annoyed? Sad? What emotion is lying there beneath the surface? Conversely, are you feeling awake? Content? Pleased? Happy? How you are feeling is going to determine if the experiences ahead of you will be positive or negative.

This may seem overly simple, but it is far more powerful than we realize. Just being aware of how you are, in fact, feeling, will majorly impact if you will experience good and positive things or bad and negative things.

The primary reason this is so important it this: you can control how you feel. You can control if you are feeling positive emotions or negative ones. Certainly circumstances and outside influences will create situations that will cause an emotional response, but you ultimately have control of what emotion you take in and hold on to.

When you recognize you are feeling negative emotions, you can either choose to hold onto those emotions, or to find means to shift that feeling to positive. I do not know anyone that actually WANTS to feel bad or depressed or unhappy. Sure, there are moments when we want to wallow in sorrow, but those moments always pass and we seek better for ourselves.

By actually taking the time to think about and acknowledge to yourself what you are feeling when someone asks, you become aware of your feelings, and you make the first step in taking control of them. This allows you to make the choice as to whether you want positivity or negativity. I know which one I prefer.


You are gifted with this power. Human emotions are rich, diverse and complex…and totally within our grasp and control. We get to choose how we want to feel, and we can work to have good feelings when we are feeling bad. This is a really incredible power we are able to wield.

Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action. Knowing how you feel, you have the ability to take control of your feelings, and choose if you feel bad to work on changing that to feeling good. By acknowledging how we are feeling and gaining control of that, we thoroughly empower ourselves. When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings. We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings. When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for. Gratitude leads to happiness. Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude. Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.



This is the eighty first entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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