Positivity: Conversation
It is amazing what you can get from a conversation.
It is all well and good to send e mails and letters and text messages to communicate. However, they are no substitute for the interaction and give and take of an actual conversation.
You can get to know people on a level that really does not exist in any other format. The delay between messages is non-existent, and the interaction is not just words, but tone, facial expressions, body language, and emotional content.
People seldom recognize how powerfully positive a conversation can be. Someone you may be having a difficult time communicating with in other formats might give a whole other impression when engaged in conversation. You can experience a richer, fuller connection with another person on many levels.
Conversation can take many forms. Discussions, debates, explanations, arguments, agreements, disagreements, general back-and-forth dialogues and more. When you have conversations you have a two-or-more way engagement, and this can be a gateway to developing, fostering, and building positivity.
A conversation between people can open channels of thought and positive energy. It can allow for an exchange of information and building all sorts of amazing creations, whether physical, spiritual or emotional. Conversation can have an effect on us through untold levels.
Certainly conversation can generate negativity. It is a finely honed double-edged sword. But the volume of positivity it can bring forward I believe outweighs the negative. Conversation is too often neglected and ignored for fear of the negative, rather than used as the amazing tool of positivity it can be.
E mail, text messaging and even letter writing, while vehicles for communication, lack the additional elements that a conversation holds. The combination of emotional, spiritual and physical presence has more power, more energy to offer than any other medium. Through conversation it is amazing how vast and diverse the options to create positivity can be.
Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action. Knowing that you can open impressive channels between people with the art of conversation, you can redirect your energies to build a more positive world. When we use our conversations to create, to grow and to expand our horizons there is no limit to how much excellence is available to us. The endless possibilities will allow you to talk about where you want to focus, and you can start from little to nothing and build tremendous positivity. Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.
This is the twenty fourth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to re-blog and spread the positivity.
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