The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 9

One of the main keys to this entire process is feeling.

It is necessary to start by thinking about how I want to walk my path.  Thought is the beginning.  But the real key to this is FEELING.

If all I do is think about it – I cannot generate enough power to manifest it.  To consciously create my reality, I cannot simply give it thought – it requires feeling.  It demands feeling.  If I cannot feel it, I cannot create it.

I am very aware of this limitation in the process.  And yes, it is limiting – as my own, personal ability to feel has proven time and again to be quite limited.

This could easily take me off on a completely separate topic.  Emotion, feeling – this is something I can utterly tangent to.  But this post is about walking the path, and in order to make the choices on how I wish to walk the path, I need to be able to feel.

Feelings can be tricky.  Feelings can be scary.  But it has been apparent in more than one way, on more than one occasion that feelings are more powerful than logic, than thought, and even reason.  Feelings can and will dominate any given situation, positively or negatively.  And I would argue that feelings are the hardest aspect of our sentience for us to control.

We can direct our thoughts relatively easily, if we just put forth a little effort to do so.  We can see logic, we can know reason.  But controlling our feelings is far trickier.  In especial when outside influences can so easily overwhelm them.

How many times do we feel anger over an injustice?  Feel pity for the sick?  Feel jealousy when we see something we want that someone else has?  Feel love overwhelm reason?  Feel fear overwhelm logic?  How often do feelings spring up, unbidden, and dominate the rest of our day?

This is the hardest part of pathwalking, in many respects.  At least for me.  I can work to direct how I am thinking, but feeling?  That is challenging.  And not simply because of outside influence on feeling…I, personally, am also fighting a natural impulse to block feeling entirely.

Once more I could go off on a tangent on this topic, but that’s not going to get me to my point.  More than once I have had the ability to feel, and to control HOW and WHAT I feel – and create the reality I desired.  The problem is – I intellectually know how I did it…it’s recreating the feeling that proves difficult.

For a VERY long time now, I have been really good at intellectually knowing WHAT I should feel.  I have long understood the concept of emotion, but to actually FEEL it has been a much trickier proposition.  This, in turn, makes the entire concept of pathwalking that much more difficult.

I know what I want.  I know how to choose my own path.  But to actually get there, to actually be able to well and truly WALK the path, I have to feel my way to it.  And that is the challenge.

Feeling can be scary.  Feeling opens up all sorts of things that are, frankly, counter to the notion of pathwalking.  And yet, without feeling, my best efforts to choose and walk the path I want fail.  Not for lack of desire, not for lack of planning, but for lack of proper feeling.

SO – the issue at hand is to recall how I felt when I did this successfully before.  What feelings did I feel when I was successful in walking the path?  How do I get to those feelings?  How do I hold onto those feelings, and not be distracted by all the things distracting?

This is the question I need to answer now.  I know where the problem is, I know what the solution is, logically, intellectually.  But the problem now is figuring out how to make the step and FEEL.  Because that, ultimately, is where my answer lies.

Thought alone hasn’t enough power to for conscious creation of reality.  Feeling is required.  Intent, focus, and feeling combined are the elements for successfully pathwalking.  But feeling is at least, if not more than half of the sum total.

What am I thinking?  What am I feeling?  What are YOU thinking?  What are YOU feeling?


This is the ninth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

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