The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 8

Why do I believe that choosing my own path is possible?  How can I think that conscious pathwalking can be realistic?  Why do I so vehemently believe this?  Because I have seen it in action.  Because I have experienced it first hand.  Because I have done it.

As I stated in the last entry to this blog – Pathwalking is about finding the path, really experiencing the here and now of it, and understanding that we have the ability to be in control of our own lives.  It is the notion that there is truth in The Law of Attraction, the notion that Consciousness Creates Reality, or The Secret.

THIS is why I believe.  This is the explanation for how I know it is possible:

Tuesday, November 30th, 1999 started out as a day like any other.  I got out of bed, went about my routines.  In the afternoon, the quarter-mile walk I chose to make from my house to the post office would change my life forever.

I was the victim of a hit-and-run.  I was clipped and thrown into a curb.  My right tibia (the large bone between your knee and ankle) was shattered, my fibula (the slimmer bone between your knee and ankle), broken in two places.  My right clavicle was also shattered, and the brachial plexus (the nerve bundle the runs from the neck to the armpit under the clavicle) stretched and damaged.

Suffice it to say – I was a mess.  The resulting damage made it impossible to bear weight on my leg, and my arm was not completely functional.  And the prognosis the doctors presented to me was not terribly encouraging.

This is what the doctors told me:  My arm may or may not recover.  I might get back feeling completely, or I might not.  I may get back full use, but there is no guarantee.  And it could take months, possibly YEARS, if ever.  My leg may take quite some time to heal, possibly require multiple surgeries to repair, and I will probably walk with a limp the rest of my life.  I should be able to walk again, but that will probably take from 1 to 3 YEARS.

Many people, presented with this, would accept it, and adjust accordingly.  I, however, did not.  I wanted better.

The next year I found the most profound focus I have ever had.  I concentrated on no other outcome but total and complete healing.  My arm?  I would have it back, just like before.  My leg?  I would heal so completely that if I didn’t show you the scars, you would never know how bad the damage was.  I accepted nothing else.  I believed in no other possibility but total recovery.

On my website is a humorous, yet complete version of the story of my recovery.  Head over and check out The Journey of a Thousand Miles…Begins with a Trip to the Post Office.  The names are changed – but the story of my recovery is completely true.

Suffice it to say – I succeeded.  Medical science says the fused tibia/fibula in my right leg should force me to walk with a limp – I do not.  I should be unable to run – I can run.  My right arm is fully functional.  If I do not show you my scars or tell you this story – you would NEVER know I experienced this.

My belief was total.  My focus, unwavering.  No doubt, no possibility of anything but the outcome I desired.  And I got it.

Yes, I had excellent doctors.  Yes, medical science did wonders to rebuild me.  But even they were at a loss for the swiftness and completeness of my recovery.  They could not explain how I defined expectations as I did.

But I know.  I consciously created my reality – I knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, what the outcome would be.  I wanted it, I believed it, I felt it…and that, I believe now, is the key.

I didn’t just logically hold to the notion.  It wasn’t just something I gave thought to.  I gave it emotion.  I gave it power.  I gave it feeling.  And THAT is what I seek to reclaim now.  The ability to FEEL my desire into being.

I know this can work.  I’ve done it before.  I can do it again.  I can overcome the FAR lesser obstacles of my present circumstances…and have what I want.  I can make my life as I want it to be.

That is what these posts are about.  I put this here, I put the focus here.  The intent.  The key now is the hardest aspect of this –

I need to FEEL it.


PS: The name of this blog is a result of this accident.  The doctors, to heal me, placed three titanium plates around my right clavicle, to take the pressure off the brachial plexus.  Additionally, having fenced in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) for the past 20 years, I have earned an award that accepts my use of the title of ‘Don’.  But I digress.


This is the eighth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

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