The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 4

Sometimes, you reach a crossroads.

The path winds and wends, you see all sorts of oddities and sights and such, and then, all of a sudden, there is not a single path anymore.  There are a whole bunch of paths.

Crossroads.  Ah yes, time for some more confusion.

As we walk our path, we will inevitably come across this.  Not only is the path of life not straight, but it is also not singular.

Choices effect which path we place ourselves on.  Similarly, NOT making choices has this effect as well.

Do I choose to take the job, or avoid the risk?  Date the girl, or stay single?  Drive instead of walk?  Stay in bed or get up?  Respond in anger or respond calmly?  Do I stay put, or move forward?  Left or righ

Some of these are very small…yet can have amazing repercussions.  And each will take us to different places, for different reasons.  And sometimes the most seemingly insignificant choice has the most significant consequences.

This is where consciously walking the path makes a major difference.  If you walk along, oblivious to the path itself, the crossroads can represent unexpected change, unwanted confusion.  It can take you by surprise, and completely throw you off.  It can derail everything, catch you off guard, and leave you disconcerted, and lost.

But when you are aware of the path itself, and conscious of your surroundings, the crossroads is far more likely to represent opportunity, rather than distress.  When you are aware, you are less surprised by the unexpected, less unprepared.

Certainly there are times we all feel we should have zigged instead of zagged.  North instead of south and such.  The key is not to go back to analyze the past choice, but instead to think about what we learned from the choice, where it took us to, and what we get from that.

One of the biggest problems I encounter as I try to be conscious of my path is exactly this.  The here and now is a result of PAST action, past thought.  Dwelling on it, focusing on it, brings more of the same to us.  And while understanding how those actions of my past brought me to the present are important, letting go of them and focusing more closely on what I want next is difficult.

Everyone walks paths – not everyone pays attention, or chooses the specifics of their path.  But when you do choose, the crossroads will represent change, opportunity, and excitement.  That’s what I seek.  I make myself conscious of my path, and when I reach the crossroads, I am better prepared for what will come next.


This is the fourth in my weekly posts. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

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