The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 254

We are not in competition.

I have written about this before, but given the monstrous, and seriously ugly, conclusion of the race for the Presidency, it bears repeating.

We all got swept up into this thing.  Whether because we read the news and supported or didn’t support a candidate, or if we were simply drawn into the current by unavoidable conversations, posts on social media, and so forth, we all found ourselves looking differently at one another.  We found ourselves competing over matters both great and small, but which, when all is said and done, we have limited control over.  We may have called it an election, but it really was a great big, unpleasant, divisive competition.

I didn’t compete with anyone.  Maybe not directly, no, but indirectly, yes, we kind of did.  This election was so incredibly divisive that we almost took glee in watching one or the other flounder during the process. Many got angry or discouraged or depressed by friends, family and coworkers who did not take the same view they did, and now, this being over, we need to set this aside and work together again.

That’s the trouble with this nature of competition.  It is utterly and completely artificial.  We were inundated with messages of choose me or your way of life and that which you hold dear will be no more.  People became fervent believers that if their choice for office lost, we would all be lost.

The thing is, despite unpleasantness as a result of the election, whether real or perceived, we are not actually in competition.  What we are faced with is being the unwilling participants in a game of divide and conquer.

That’s why those striving to attain “power” set us up in competition.  Divide, and conquer.  When you pit everyone against everyone, you set up competition, even where none actually, factually, exists.

I ideologically disagreed with the one side, and feared for our nation’s wellbeing.  I was afraid of that corrupt person scoring the win, and ruining the country.  It had nothing to do with me.  Except, truth be told, it had everything to do with us as individuals, because they set us to competing with one another.  And this was a truly abhorrent, contentious process we were put through for months and months.

It is time to change our mindset, and to realize that we are not in competition with each other.

First, let me state for the record that not ALL competition is bad.  Hey, sports are a thing, games and activities where someone wins and someone loses help build character and can stimulate growth.  In those very specific contexts, competition is a fine thing.

When it comes to our individual lives, and living them to the best of our abilities, we are not in competition.  Yes, we might all want to be living in abundance, and we certainly all want to be content and even happy with our lives.  But the form that this takes varies quite a lot between each and every one of us.

I have chosen Pathwalking as a means to manifest the life I want most for myself.  It’s not just a quick-fix process that will ultimately allow me to reach my goal, but it lets me be in control of my own destiny.  I am choosing for myself what I want, and I am working in that context to get myself there.

The things that make me feel content, the things I want and the experiences I wish to have are not going to be the same as yours.  Sure, there may be parallels, even some outright similarities, but that doesn’t limit any of us.  This is an abundant universe, and everything we want and need is out there, we just need to stop competing with each other and align our thoughts, feelings and actions to draw things to us.

This takes work.  It requires practice to get it right, but it is totally worth it.  Thus far, it doesn’t work for me every time, but that’s due to my own inability to get my thoughts, feelings and actions totally in alignment, not due to lack or competition.

There are going to be some very angry, very depressed, very let-down people out there today.  They will feel that they lost.  They may be afraid for the future, possibly in a personal level and possibly on a grander scale.  The results of the election will be felt around the world, because not matter the outcome the divisions it either created or exposed or enhanced won’t just fade into the background without work.

That work begins by recognizing that we are not in competition.  That begins with each of us.  We get to choose whether to work for the things we want, or against those who have the things we don’t want.  Consciousness creates reality, so if we focus on what we don’t want, the odds go higher that we might just get it.  We need to work on not competing, on seeing this country, this world, this universe as a palace of abundance rather than a place of lack.  We need to stop widening gaps between us, and build bridges instead.

We are thus empowered.  We are not in competition.  Consider that when you face your day today, whether you are feeling victorious or defeated.

Do you believe in lack or abundance?


This is the two-hundred fifty-fourth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas and my personal experiences in walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

If you enjoy Pathwalking, you may also want to read my Five Easy Steps to Change the World for the Better.

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