The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 253

There are always going to be days where it feels like it just does not matter.  But they are a lie.  It matters.  YOU matter.

I have those days when I get out of bed, and no matter how much sleep I have gotten I am still feeling totally wiped out.  And no matter how much coffee I consume, I still feel like I would much rather crawl back into my nice warm bed and sleep more.  Of course, this would be pointless, since once I am up and getting onto things, I am up and getting onto things.

Then what’s worse is when you get nothing but negative reinforcement.  Reading social media of late has been a real landmine.  Greed, violence, threats of disaster and warfare and a truly ugly election are just infuriating, maddening, and hugely upsetting.  I know I start to feel overwhelmed, and like no matter what I do, it just does not matter.

But it does.  It really really does.

Whether or not you believe this – you matter.  You are important to me, whether or not I know you.

Give me a break.  You’re just saying that.  No, I’m not.  It’s true.  You matter to me.  You are important to me. I care that you are out there, whether or not I know you.

Why?  Because I may not know you, but I know your intent.  I know that you, like me, are seeking to find your own way in life.  It may not be an every day activity, it’s most likely not in the way I am doing it, nor the same as the life I am seeking to create for myself; but I know that what you want is to have a life where you find contentment, satisfaction, and if at all possible happiness.

Unless you are a sociopath or some other type who enjoys pain and suffering and wants to see the world burn – you are also striving to live your life in the best way you can.  You don’t want to hurt people, you don’t want to be a burden on society, you don’t want to struggle to make ends meet, you want to have the things and people and experiences that appeal the most to you.

What you want may have some similarities to what other people want, but probably they vary rather a lot.  Every experience we have, no matter how similar it may be, is always unique to each and every one of us.  You want your corner of the universe to be what you want it to be.

That’s the way it is for everyone.  No matter how much we disagree, no matter how widely our opinions vary, that’s what all of us want.  Unfortunately, some see the world as full of lack, and being a place of competition; and that is why they so closely guard the things that they see as being theirs.  This is why homophobia, racism, sexism, misogyny and hatred come out as they do.  They are borne less of a place of malicious intent and more from a place of fear of losing what you already have to the unknown, the unfamiliar, and the dissimilar to you and your own way of life.

You are deserving of the good things you want.  You deserve to have the life you crave.  You are worthy.  You matter.  What you want matters.  What you think matters.  To me, you matter.

Look, we all think differently.  We all process information differently.  Of course we find people who have similar views and approaches and methods, but they still differ.  Even utterly identical twins are not the same as one another in every way, they are still individuals.  One of the ways we form the communities we do is so that we surround ourselves with like-minded individuals.  But we are all different, none-the-less.

Everybody matters.  We live in a universe that is abundant, not lacking.  When we buy into the lack mentality, when we begin believing that there is not enough and that we have to struggle to find our equal share of the pie, we contribute to that negativity, and it makes us feel bad.

I get sucked into it, too.  It’s really hard to stay in the know about what’s going on out there, and not get overstimulated.  So much bad news, so much negativity.  People we consider friends, coworkers and family are being thrust into opposing corners by the divides created by lack mentality.  The reality of the whole “Us versus Them” mentality is that when all is said and done, it is really “Us versus Us.”  No one is lesser, no one is unimportant, when all is said and done, we all matter, even when we believe different things.

Some days I know how much you struggle to just keep going.  I’m with you.  I go through those days, too.  You matter.  And I would bet that you matter to more people than just me.  But more than that, you matter.  Your hopes, dreams, aspirations and very existence matter.  That’s the truth, plain and simple.

We live in an abundant universe.  I know that seems like it’s not true all too regularly, but I assure you, it’s true.  This life is precious, you are precious, and you matter to the Universe, no matter what your lot in life is, what struggles you endure, or what you have to go through.

Thank you for being.

Do you realize that even if you disbelieve, you DO matter?


GOAL LOG – Week 43:

Diet:  Still going pretty well.

Exercise: Fencing happened once last week, but I didn’t get to the gym.  I did, however, take a walk around my neighborhood and get exercise on two other days, for four total.

Writing:  Just the three blogs got written.

Meditation:  I meditated on 4 days, at least 5 minutes each day.

Gratitude: I wrote five things I was grateful for three days last week.

Must strive to get back on track with these goals.

This is the two-hundred fifty-third entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas and my personal experiences in walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

If you enjoy Pathwalking, you may also want to read my Five Easy Steps to Change the World for the Better.

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