The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 24

I am a thinker, not a feeler.  I am all about thought, rather than emotion.  And while, at times, this is advantageous – at times it really is not.

It’s all well and good, in the process of this whole Pathwalking notion, to think about what I intend.  But to really do it, to make it actually happen requires more than thought.  It requires intent.  It requires feeling.

And that, for me, is the challenge.  Feeling.

I know a number of people who are feelers, rather than thinkers.  They feel everything, and can draw to themselves any emotion at the drop of a hat; sadness, anger, happiness, joy, excitement, fear, love…take your pick.

This, however, is not how I work.  Due to life experiences in my youth, I learned how to shut myself off from emotions and feelings.  I learned how to logic them out, knew the concepts of how they should be – but didn’t actually FEEL them.

Then I started to learn a whole bunch of things about myself, and determined I needed to reopen this channel.  No easy task, but I started to not just think about things, but to feel again.

Stretch out with your feelings,” both Obi-Wan and Yoda instruct Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films.  And this is surprisingly good advice.  It’s amazing what you can intuit when you do.  You can get a better sense of the world around you – because it is far greater than all we can see, taste, touch, smell and hear.

While I am gifted with some empathic sensibilities, and some development of other sixth sense abilities, my skill with using feelings and emotions is less strong.

This is perhaps the largest obstacle I face in my walking the path I have chosen.  In order to really get where I need to go, to use my consciousness to create my reality, I cannot simply think about what I am doing…I have to feel it.  And if I cannot feel it, I cannot manifest it.

The power to manifest, I have learned, is directly proportional to the power to feel.  The more feeling you put behind your intent, the more energy you give it, and the more readily you realize your goal.

When, several years back, I was seriously injured, my entire focus was on recovery.  No distractions, no thoughts or feelings apart from my intent to recover.  I did not get angry, I did not get upset by my situation – I stayed focused.  And in far less time than medical science expected, I was healed.

I didn’t just think about my recovery…I felt it.  I held onto what it would feel like to be healed, to be as if I was never injured in the first place.  I felt focused, I felt positive, I felt good about the outcome.  And it worked.

Now the disbeliever would argue that medical science was involved, and the doctors did a tremendous amount of work putting me back together.  And I don’t disagree with that.  However, even the doctors were more often than not impressed by the speed and totality of my recovery.  I was healing more completely and more quickly than they believed possible.

So why is it so hard, over a decade later, to reclaim that precise focus?  How come I cannot once again feel the path I want to walk?  How come doubt still gets me down, robs me of focus, makes the vision seem to get further away when in fact it should be getting nearer.

Thought versus feeling.  When it was all about feeling, the thought didn’t take root, didn’t dominate.  Now it’s all about thought.  Because I get caught up in the hows the whats the whys and the wherefores I stumble as I walk my path.  Too much thinking robs me of feeling…and since, as stated at the beginning – I am a thinker not a feeler – thought only gives me twenty-five percent of the necessary energy needed to successfully walk my path.

I do believe that thought is only a quarter of all the energy needed.  And fifty percent is feeling.  The last quarter?  Actions.  You have to think about the path you wish to walk, then feel it, then actually walk it.  That is the action.  That is the make-up of this process.  You take the thought, feel it out, and then begin Pathwalking.

Walking the path with thought, but without feeling is not sufficient.  It’s a start, however.  And the process I need to work on is feeling my way forward, with my senses, with my mind, in order to truly know that this is the path I want…and then, to truly walk it.

Thought + Feeling + Action = Pathwalking.  That is the equation.  I have 50%.  But that means I am only halfway there.  I can and will find the lacking feeling, because this is who, what, why and wherefore I wish to be.

What am I thinking?  What are you thinking?


This is the twenty-fourth entry in my series.  These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.  Thank you for joining me.

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