The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 213

What do you do if the path you are on crumbles beneath your feet?

First – yes, this can happen. While Pathwalking is something that you control there are always factors that can have a direct impact on your chosen path that you have no control over.

Perfect example – your job. Whether you work for yourself or for someone else, the job you choose to work is a part of the path you are walking.

One of my goals has been to find a job that I enjoy, doing things that make me happy and working with people I like to spend my time with. I have considered several self-employment options (besides writing, which I would certainly like to be doing full-time) but I would be happy to find an ideal job option.

I frequently bring up that consciousness creates reality. So it came as no surprise to me that I found what I believed to be the job I had most wanted to create. It was the kind of space I wanted to work in, people I was enjoying working with. The job I was doing was something I really wanted to do, and it was located exactly where I wanted to be working. I did it – I manifested the job I always wanted.

I was excited that I did it. I was started as a temp, and I really thought this was going to be what I wanted.

And then it wasn’t. Unexpected tension, unwanted stress, and though I worked to correct these matters – just as quick as the seemingly perfect job manifested it was gone.

I manifested what I wanted. I have a description of this job that I had written down a couple years ago, and it was about eighty-five percent dead on accurate to what I had. I really thought that, hey, I am making the path I want. Go me!

Yet just like that, it’s gone. The job is no more, and I stand here on the remains of a path looking around and wondering what happened?

The short answer – this job was not the right job for me. What I did glean from this job is invaluable experience that I can completely and totally take with me to something bigger and better. I learned several hugely important things, and massively updated a certain skill set that I can totally market into new employment.

The long answer – this is just another example of life happens. Everything changes, and there are any number of factors you work with that are beyond your control. I can see this is always one of the reasons to be self-employed – you are your own boss. That of course has its own pitfalls, but that’s not the point of this essay.

What do I do now that the path I chose crumbled away?

I have written before, and will likely write again, that I believe that there are three primary ways to live this life. All three are applicable to this instance.

First – Let life live you. Just go with it. Fine, it happens, flow on. Experience the disappointment, muddle through the awkwardness of losing a job you thought you liked, complain about the unfairness, then push through and accept ANY option available to pay the bills. Just do what society says you should do and so on and so forth.

Second – Curl up in a ball and wait for death. Let go of all hope, let go of all attempts to do anything. Cry, build a pillow fort, wallow in that feeling of failure and inability to succeed. Give up. Stop trying to live life or even let life live you. Don’t resist, just resign yourself to being miserable.

Third – Take control and walk a new path. I am a Pathwalker. I am never on any single path, I am always on several in different aspects of my life. Choose anew. Focus more attention on another path and see what you can draw out. Take the lessons learned and move forward to the next journey.

I will not tear up the perfect job description I wrote out all those years ago. But I will tweak it. I think there may be too much specificity within it, and that is too tight a space for things to manifest within. If you don’t give the universe enough wiggle room it cannot deliver even greater than what you are requesting.

I have done this before. I have manifested things I wanted and needed over the years, and I will continue to do so. I know I can do this, I have made it happen before. This is not a failure, it just taught me to make adjustments so that I have it better next time.

The path is gone that I was walking upon, and while I experienced all the stages of grief and mourned my loss, now I move forward and take the lessons I learned and the new skills I developed and do it better. I will continue to Pathwalk and I will get to the place I most want to be.

This requires faith. This requires me to hope. This requires me to let go of my anger and disappointment and to learn from the experience but not drag the feelings of failure forward. I have done my analysis, I know what worked and what did not, and I will recreate that perfect job description with the needed tweaks and I will be prepared for even better next time.

What do I do if the path I am on crumbles beneath me feet? Step over to the next path and start a new journey.

What will you do if your path ceases to be unexpectedly?


GOAL LOG – Week 3:

Diet: I have continued tracking what I am eating daily. Still struggling to stick to it, and I can clearly see I am still not making the best, healthiest choices. Depression and blizzard eating factored into last week, but I see what I need to do to correct it.

Exercise: Fencing happened, but I only hit the gym 1 day last week. However, I spent a day shoveling snow and did a ton of walking, so that was good. Need to exercise more still.

Writing: Still not giving enough time to writing and editing. I need to be less distracted and really sit down more than a couple days here and there and get my writing done.

Winter blahs have set in. Coupled with losing that job, I need to put my game-face on and push ahead and be more focused. All part of the paths I walk.


This is the two-hundred thirteenth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas and my personal experiences in walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my personal desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available in print and for your Kindle.

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