The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 100

Perseverance is the difference between a fleeting notion and the pursuit of an idea.

After one hundred weeks of posts about this concept of Pathwalking, I thought it an apropos topic.

Perseverance is not simply having an idea, it is moving forward in making the intangible idea into a tangible thing.  It is a part of the means to the ends. defines perseverance thus:


1.steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

I think nothing summarizes the entire concept of Pathwalking quite like this definition of perseverance.

Pathwalking is the course of action, the purpose – choosing your own way.  Making your own decisions and choices in regards to pursuing the destiny you most want to find.  And I have certainly explored on multiple occasions that it can be fraught with numerous difficulties, obstacles and discouragements.

I do not want to sit back and let my life just happen…I want to make it happen.  I do not want others choosing for me…I want to make the choices.  I do not want my emotions to be a result of the influences of the world around me…I want to choose how I will feel.  I want, ultimately, to be content with my life, and happy with the choices I am making for it.

One hundred posts represents nearly two years of weekly action in Pathwalking.  Two years of analyzing the path I want to walk, the choices I make on that path, the challenges that I will face.  And a part of my personal path is sharing what I am discovering along the way, to spread this notion to you, and do what I might to help you choose and walk your own path.

Yes, there are bad days.  I get doubtful, and frustrated when progress is not what I would desire it to be.  But as I have said many times before – this is just a part of human nature.  Even the happiest, most satisfied people in the world are not in that state absolutely all the time.

But that is why you persevere.  That is why you make the efforts you make, you strive for the journey and the ultimate goal.  Ultimately, you want to be happy and satisfied, and that is worth striving for.

Yeah yeah yeah, blah blah blah, so what has all your perseverance gotten you?  Are you happy?  Have you achieved your goal you set almost two years ago?  I am happy with the life I have chosen for myself.  Yes, it is imperfect, yes, there are things I need to fix and improve upon, yes it is a work in progress.  Despite the bad days, even when hope is the only tangible thing I have, I believe that choosing to walk my own path has been nothing but a boon to my life.

I look at the world in the way I have always wanted to.  It is not a nightmare place filled with terrible people, tragedies and horrors…it is a world of endless possibilities, of good people, of possibilities and beauty and wonders.  Yes, it is imperfect, yes there ARE all the bad things out there as well as the good, but I can see the world for all its positives more than its negatives.

Turning a blind eye to the adversities of the world?  Wearing rose-colored glasses?  NO.  I see that there are horrid people and awful things in the world perfectly clearly.  But I am not giving them my focus, not giving them my energies, not giving them my attentions and intentions.  I am persevering instead to look at the good people and wonderful things in the world.  And frankly, without those negatives, we would be incapable of seeing the positives.

Pathwalking is choice.  I have been consistently choosing to live in the positive, live in the now, make my own choices to have the life I want.  I have persevered, and I haven’t a single regret in creating and sharing with the world this idea, this philosophy.

Last week I wrote about hope.  Perseverance is an able partner for hope, hope being the notion and perseverance the action.  If you are walking a path, you are taking steps to walk, and hope and perseverance are named steps along the journey.  And the journey, the path of your choosing, is very worthwhile.

Thank you for coming along for the trek with me.  I hope my insights and ideas have helped you choose a path you wish to walk, and that you might see the world for all the possibilities I see.

I am persevering still.  Are you?


This is the one-hundredth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.

The first year of Pathwalking is available in print and for your Kindle.

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