Crossing the Bridges: Planning and Doing

Sometimes I am far better at the planning than I am at the actual doing. “Don’t plan the plan if you can’t follow through.”  – Dr. Horrible. The thing about plans is that they are nothing but words.  Without action they are nothing but ideas.  I can plan until I am blue in the face, but unless I take action I have nothing but ideas here. This is why I began to take New Year’s Actions, rather than resolutions.  What

Thoughts on the results of this election

What happens next? Accept what has happened, go passive and wait to see what happens next?  No.  It is because we have been too passive that the bigots, the racists, misogynists and homophobes now feel empowered.  Every time they march, we need to counter-march.  Every time they spew hate, we need to spew reason and love.  Because we were passive they think they now have a voice.  We can no longer be passive, we need to take the fight right

Pathwalking 254

We are not in competition. I have written about this before, but given the monstrous, and seriously ugly, conclusion of the race for the Presidency, it bears repeating. We all got swept up into this thing.  Whether because we read the news and supported or didn’t support a candidate, or if we were simply drawn into the current by unavoidable conversations, posts on social media, and so forth, we all found ourselves looking differently at one another.  We found ourselves

Positivity: Remember that WE ARE ALL ONE

When all is said and done, WE ARE ALL ONE. Do you know how amazing it is that despite all our differences, we are all the same? That is the truth.  It does not matter what gender, nationality, religion, political affiliation, skin color or otherwise you are…we are all one. Energy.  Each and every one of us is energy.  At our core we are light and energy.  As Yoda said, quite accurately, “Luminous beings are we…not this crude matter.” Finding

Crossing the Bridges: Knowing the Path vs Walking the Path

Frequently I have claimed to suffer from ADOS.  ADOS = Attention Deficit…Oooooooooh, Shiny! (I do not claim this phrase as my own, someone else I know put it out there, not me – but I use it rather a lot). This is not so much a medical disorder, as it is an inability to focus or keep one’s eyes on the prize or to get pulled in a million directions or… Be right back.  Something else has my attention at

Pathwalking 253

There are always going to be days where it feels like it just does not matter.  But they are a lie.  It matters.  YOU matter. I have those days when I get out of bed, and no matter how much sleep I have gotten I am still feeling totally wiped out.  And no matter how much coffee I consume, I still feel like I would much rather crawl back into my nice warm bed and sleep more.  Of course, this

Positivity: Generosity

Generosity is amazing. When people give of themselves, whether it is a thing or things or just time, the generosity they present is incredibly positive. Generosity allows us to work together to build amazing, incredible things.  When we are generous, we are spreading love and light and positivity to others, and I know that for me, at least, it always feels good. When a friend offers you somewhere to stay on a trip; when you tip your wait staff at

Crossing the Bridges: Of Best Laid Plans

We’re all familiar, I think, with the phrase, “I love it when a plan comes together!” Conversely, though, nobody is fond of when the plan falls apart. What do you do when your best laid plans go pfffffffft around you? As with anything else in life, you have a choice.  You can lament your failed plan, moan about it, whine about it, get upset and angry and kick at the stones along the way…or you can accept the lesson learned

Pathwalking 252

It’s not that there always needs to be a fixed destination.  Life is about the journey, after all, so it is certainly both logical and even necessary that from time to time you walk a path, but the goal is not wholly clear. Yes, it is important to have an idea, to have a plan.  But sometimes there are days where you just are on the paths, walking along, and though you have an end goal in mind, it is

Positivity: A metaphor for Safety

Even with the safety harness, you don’t want to lose your balance and fall. I recently did a “treetop” ropes course.  Various obstacles to be crossed, thirty-five feet in the air, including rope bridges and tightropes and other challenging constructs.  You cross the obstacles from platform to platform in a harness on a secure line, but you still don’t want to fall. It occurs to me, however, that this is an interesting metaphor of our lives.  Even when we fall,

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