Pathwalking 261

This has been an interesting year. In some respects this goes with the Chinese curse of “May you live in interesting times”.  In some respects it has simply been full of odd and unusual, fascinating things.  In some respects it has just been interesting as opposed to uninteresting…and in some ways it’s very much Joss Whedon’s definition from Serenity: Mal: “Define interesting?” Wash: “Oh god oh god we’re all going to die?” Much of the latter is due to the

Positivity: Remember, We Are All One

We are all one. I’ve said it before, I’ve written it before, but it bears repeating.  We are all one. We are all composed first and foremost of energy.  Energy, which can neither be created nor destroyed, just transmuted from form to form.  Beneath the skins of so many colors, under the genders we claim for ourselves, we are all made of exactly the same stuff.  We are all one. This time of year for some is hugely joyous, while

Crossing the Bridges: Optimism for the Future

I’m not feeling it today. I have attempted more than once to start this post, and every single start has stumbled.  I get maybe an intro paragraph, and then can’t go forward. Why am I not feeling it today? Because I have gotten too caught up in outside influences.  Because the madness of the world around me is interfering with my own thoughts and feelings, and I can neither shut it out nor replace it with something more useful, something

Pathwalking 260

This is where it all began, five years ago: How can I make a difference? This question comes up for me fairly often. I want to help other people see the world in the way that I see it. NOT in a ‘my way is the one true way’ idea at all. On the contrary – I want people to disagree with me. I want them to consider these words, and reject them if they disagree. I want them to

Positivity: No One is Alone

I know that this time of year can be rough for many.  For those of you struggling, I want you to know that you are NOT alone. We are all in this together.  Each of us finds highs and lows with this season, but I recognize for many it’s particularly unpleasant.  For those of you who feel that way, please know that you are not on your own. I know what it feels like to be depressed, sad, lonely and

Crossing the Bridges: Action for Change

Change cannot be made without actions. That’s just the way the universe works.  I can think it and feel it all I like…but unless I act upon it, it will not change.  It will remain an idea, a plan, a possibility – but nothing more. Some actions are harder than others.  Sometimes this is due to excuses, sometimes due to distractions, and sometimes just outright laziness on my part. I began, almost a year ago, to include a Goal Log

Pathwalking 259

There is a difference between being influenced by outside forces, and getting assistance from them. For some people this is not an easy distinction to make, but it’s a very important one. We are constantly surrounded by outside influences.  Most of the social media sites are a part of this.  They are striving for our attention, they want us to do and think and feel certain ways, which may or may not be compatible with what we REALLY want to

Positivity: Imagination and Creativity

While it’s important to focus on the here-and-now, and not get caught up in memories of yesterday and plans for tomorrow, it is also important to remain creative and imaginative. Creativity and imagination are the things that most set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Unlike the rest of the creatures crawling, swimming and flying around this planet, we have deep, incredible, miraculous powers of creativity. Sure, birds build nests and beavers construct elaborate damns that can

Crossing the Bridges: The Comfort Zone

We all have comfort zones. We all have those places we retreat to or that we like to snuggle up in that are familiar, comfortable, expected.  We have comfort zones in our lives where we can operate on auto-pilot, and get along. Of course, sometimes these comfort zones, while comfortable, are unsatisfactory.  You can be in that relationship that does not thrill you, work that job that pays the bills but does not stimulate your mind, stay in that city

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I frequently write about how we alone can control our thoughts, our feelings and our actions.  Yes, they can be influenced by outside people and things, but they are still under our own direct control. Feelings in particular can be heavily influenced from without.  Feelings are frequently reactions to stimuli, so much of the time it is the things outside of us that cause us to experience emotions. If someone compliments you, kisses you, smiles at you, invites you to

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