Pathwalking 273

Change is complicated. First, it is imperative to acknowledge this statement:  CHANGE IS INEVITABLE.  Things change, because that is the nature of the Universe. Because time is an illusion, how we perceive change varies.  Some change is quick and hard to miss.  Some is so glacially slow that we don’t realize that change is happening at all.  But everything changes, whether animal, vegetable or mineral.  Everything evolves, shifts, and transforms. The desert was once a sea.  Seeds grow into plants. 

Positivity: Never Too Late

It is never too late. You are only too old, too poor, too uneducated, too uninformed, too fat, too short, too little or too much if you believe it to be true.  So, too, is the concept of being too late untrue. Time is only an illusion.  Our perception of time is frequently shifting, changing, and though we look to clocks and calendars, we see and feel it to be fluid and unexpected. Ever notice how there are times when

Crossing the Bridges: Planning into Action

Planning is all well-and-good.  It’s the actions that I find frequently challenging. The purpose of this particular blog is to share personal accountability as I do the things I do to live the life I most desire to live.  Positivity is specifically sharing positive things to combat negativity while Pathwalking is more specifically about the mechanics of my conscious reality creation process.  Crossing the Bridges is my personal journey, and the challenges as I take it. I have written about

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How do you find the line between being informed, and being overwhelmed by information? This is the question I find myself contending with fairly regularly of late.  Given all that is happening both in the USA and around the world, I find I need to remain informed, and keep in the know. However, there are so, so many things happening that this quickly becomes overwhelming. World news can be pretty crazy, but all the insane political actions happening in America

Positivity: Escape from Reality

Sometimes you just need to escape from it all. There are times when you feel so overwhelmed, you just need to get away, escape from your life, escape from your routines, and try something different. As you are reading this, I am on a vacation in a place I have never been to before, with the medieval reenactment society I have played with for over twenty-five years now.  Yet the majority of the people I will be with will not

Crossing the Bridges: Overcoming the art of Self-Sabotage

Crossing the Bridges can be difficult if you insist on burning them down before you reach the other side. I have always been a fan of the phrase, “I’ll burn that bridge when I come to it.”  I know the word should be cross, but I think I’m a pretty funny guy, so I use burn instead. The problem is, I DO have a tendency to burn the bridges, often while I am right in the middle of the span.

Pathwalking 271

Empathy is not a weakness. Empathy is not simply about understanding how someone else feels.  It is about understanding that, like you, other people have feelings, too. We all have desires, we all have wants, we all have needs.  Some are similar, such as food, shelter, clothing, companionship.  Yet even with the similarities, they still will vary from person to person.   The foods and quantities of food vary, the desired shelter differs, we like different clothing based on our individual

Positivity: The Future is Not Yet Written

The future is not yet written. This is one of the most amazing, positive truths we can face.  Why?  Because it means that everything is still negotiable, and that even if we find ourselves on a less-than-desirable course, we can change it. It is easy to get caught up in believing that the future is set in stone.  Lots of people work very hard to sell you on the notion that there are limited possibilities for the future, and that

Crossing the Bridges: Getting to the Other Side

I can see across the bridge.  So how come it feels like I will never get to the other side? Look familiar?  I don’t know anyone who has not dealt with this sort of thing.  You know where you want to go, you’ve a pretty good idea how to get there, you are on your way…yet it seems like you will never manage to arrive. The metaphor of Crossing the Bridges can feel very literal at times.  I am where

Pathwalking 270

We live in an abundant universe. Society, however, strives to contradict this fact.  We endlessly are bombarded with messages of insufficiency, wanting and lack.  It seems like everywhere we turn we are told there is not enough money to go around, dwindling resources, too little security, and overall an insufficient amount of this or that to accommodate everyone. Worse, even where lack doesn’t exist, there are plenty of people who use the fear of lack to maintain control.  If we

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