What Does The Future is Now Mean?

The future is now. I always thought that an odd phrase.  But then, when you take the Law of Attraction into account, it makes perfect sense. Consciousness creates reality.  In being conscious of the here-and-now, the future is made. If our present reality is the result of our past thoughts, feelings, and actions, then by being wholly in the now and totally aware and present we create the future.  As such, the future is now. I have spent this week

Working With Conflicting Emotions?

I am holding onto a lot of conflicting emotions that do not serve me. There is a great deal of anger, resentment, fear, and other negative feelings built up inside me.  Even after all this time, knowing like I do that consciousness creates reality, like attracts like, and low vibe draws more low vibe, I am holding onto exactly what I do not need. The conflicting emotions originate from a few different places.  All of them are my own reaction

Is There Really More Than Enough?

There is more than enough for everyone. We live in an abundant universe.  There are more than enough resources, opportunities, companions, friends and lovers for everyone. Material or immaterial, there is more than enough.  Money, cars, homes, food, clothing, joy, love, essentials and non-essentials, there is more than enough. The biggest lie we are fed by those enjoying the illusion of being in power is that we do not have enough.  They use fear of a lack, scarcity, and an

What is My Motivation?

What is my motivation? This is not just a question an actor asks of their director…it is a question about life.  What is it that motivates me to do the things I do? I am a writer and editor.  Writing is a craft I have been working on since I was nine years old, and truly focused on for about twenty years now.  My first editor taught me a tremendous amount about not just editing, but writing to its core,

What is Reality?

What is reality? Wiser men and women than me have been pondering this question for almost as long as we came down from the trees.  But for our everyday purposes, reality is this moment.  Reality is the world we experience, here and now. Much of what we consider reality is, however, an illusion.  Even brilliant scientist Albert Einstein told us this: “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” But what does that mean?  Simply put our individual

How are we Luminous Beings?

“Luminous beings are we – not this crude matter.” – Yoda. Sure, this quote comes from a small green Muppet in an epic sci-fi story…but that does not lessen the truth of the statement.  At our core we are beings of pure energy.  The meat popsicles we see running around the planet are not who we are when all is said and done. Why does this matter?  Because we are beings of pure energy, rather than these bodies we present

How Do I Empower My Reality?

I need to empower my reality. Every week I write about how consciousness creates reality.  I get into detail, and explore the various ways in which this works.  This is something I have been developing and exploring for many years now. The grand idea behind this is the Law of Attraction, the idea that like attracts like.  When we take our thought, power it up with feeling, then use that to act intentionally, we do the work to manifest reality

How do you Empower your Power?

Empower your power. Today in America is Independence Day.  It was on this day in 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the original 13 colonies.  That action birthed a nation that has been both loved and hated across the globe, with ideals of freedom, liberty and independence that would change the greater world around it. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them

Power is an Illusion?

Power is an illusion. Most of those who are “in power” have either assumed it, been granted it, or otherwise had it conferred upon them in some form or other.  Yet in reality, it is not real.  The idea of power is what generates it, and it is a complete and utter intangible. There is a difference between power and empowerment.  Empowerment may also be intangible, but it is feeling.  Because it involves feeling, it carries with it a greater

How do I Truly FEEL Grateful?

It is my desire to express how grateful I am for many, many things.  I am just not feeling it right now. Why am I not feeling grateful?  Because my home country is being taken over by a bunch of ultra-selfish, uncompassionate, self-promoting douchebags-of-holding.  Someone in my life continues to disappoint me all-too-frequently.  I know I am capable of more in this life, and yet I am my own worst enemy. Consciousness creates reality.  I write about this three times

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