Positivity in the Moment

Finding positivity in the moment Nobody can be positive all the time, but moments of positivity can be a tremendous boost on your psyche. Why do I write about positivity every week? Because negativity is all too easy to come across, and difficult to resist.   Do I believe you should never feel negative? No. Shit happens. There are days where life sucks. Bad things occur, people get sick and die, friends turn on you – and that’s just the

Doesn’t Everyone Know That/Can’t Everyone Do That?

Just because you know something and can do something easily doesn’t mean that’s how it is for everyone. The written word comes easily to me. I sit down at my keyboard and start tapping away, the words come and my thoughts take me to many interesting places. Some of those places are totally fantasy, invented of characters, situations, and places in my head. These get turned into my works of fiction. Others become articles about mindfulness, conscious reality creation, positivity,

An Opportunity to Restart

There are many times where options for restarting or starting anew offer you an opportunity to find or create positivity. Today is the start of the Jewish New Year. L’Shana Tovah to all of those who celebrate. Like the Gregorian New Year that we celebrate every January 1st, this day presents a specific opportunity to begin anew, make a fresh start, and as such to find and/or create some new positivity in your life. You get any number of calendar

Pathwalking 404 – Path Not Found (Not Normal!)

I Am Not Normal I know it, embrace it, and love who it makes me as such. When my wife and I first began dating, I think it may have been the second date when she looked at me and said, “You are an unapologetic geek.” “Yup.” I had, long before, accepted how much of a geek I am. This has been a recurrent theme across my life. There was, of course, a time when I didn’t accept this aspect

I Get to Choose How to Feel Today

How I will feel today is up to me It is totally my decision whether positivity or negativity will prevail. Every single day is new and different from the day before. No matter how much of a routine you may have, no two days are alike. Why does that matter? Because it means that every day is a choice. How you will feel today is wholly and entirely up to you to decide. Frankly, I think that’s awesome. Why? Because

Recognizing the Limitations of Your Path

Many limitations are artificial and can be overcome…but not all of them. For the most part, you are told that there are an overwhelming number of limitations in this life. In order to do ‘X’ or to be ‘Y’ you must come from money, have the right connections, be beautiful, or meet some other standards – or else you are limited. If you do not meet these standards you are unworthy and undeserving and the limitations will keep you down

What Positivity is Not

Recognizing What Positivity Is Not Exploring the other side of a powerful tool for choices and decisions to create our lives. I write weekly about positivity and how important it is in my life. Further, I espouse how important positivity can be to the whole world. The thing that cannot be ignored, however, it what positivity is not. So let me explain what that means. Positive AND negative Thinking and feeling positive does not and should not ignore, erase, or

Stumbling Over Old Beliefs along my Path

Practicing mindfulness alone doesn’t always open the door to change old beliefs. One of the key elements of Pathwalking is using mindfulness to consciously create reality. Ergo, I am doing things to better myself and create the life I most desire to live. There are two super-frustrating things I cannot seem to get out of my head. These are my thought processes when it comes to money and when it comes to weight loss/body consciousness. Specifically, these are brain weasels

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily Like many things in life, this is a choice. All too often, I encounter stories about the terrible things certain people are doing to other people. They are mean, selfish, unkind, inhumane, and often rather astounding. It makes me wonder when it became acceptable to be rude, discourteous, and otherwise inconsiderate? The when doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I know that I am capable of acting in a way to turn

Anyone Can Show You a Path – But Only You Can Walk It

Anyone Can Show You a Path, But Only You Can Walk It It doesn’t matter what the choices are, the decision is yours and yours alone. I made a decision that I would choose my own path in this life. Though my choice has been imperfect, and I have stumbled and struggled along the way, I am still glad I made that decision. Why? Because I believe that I have taken control of my life. I am not just going

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