Choose Amazing Traveling Companions

The quality of the traveling companions you choose can impact your life in many positive ways. This weekend I embarked on an absolutely epic roadtrip. I and three of my companions drove over 14 hours to Nova Scotia, Canada – and back. There was music, conversation, laughter, and a generally fun atmosphere throughout the long drive, and it was totally amazing. The traveling companions you choose can make all the difference between an okay time and one that is incredibly

Why Choose Any Path at All?

Why choose any path at all? You always get to decide things, whether consciously or subconsciously. Doing so consciously gives you influence and control. There is no reason that you need to choose a path in life. You can simply go about your day-to-day activities, and let life happen. This might make you perfectly content. You may enjoy what life has to offer, and the adventure of your life may be ongoing and already acceptable to you. If that’s how

One Thing Every Day

Doing just one thing, every day, for yourself, is unselfish. Today will hold many things. Some will be expected and predictable while others will be unplanned and variable. Today will be a day. You have the ability to make certain choices that will direct your day, influence it, and could change your experience in any number of ways. Practicing mindfulness and being aware, in the moment, of your thoughts, feelings, and actions can take any given day and alter its

There Is No One Philosophy for All

There is no one philosophy for all. It doesn’t matter what you do or do not believe, there is more than one philosophy out there. When I began to write about the notion of Pathwalking for conscious reality creation it did not start out as my personal philosophy of life, the Universe, and everything. But over time, that’s what it has become. Yet my philosophy has taken much of its tenets and ideals from the philosophies and life ideas of

Current Thoughts and Feelings Are Changeable

Thoughts and feelings are changeable. Whatever you are thinking and feeling is yours, and yours alone, and there is positivity in your power to change them as you desire. Today is a grey and chilly day. As I sit here at my desk, pondering what to write about, drinking my 3rd mug of coffee, I am feeling some trepidation and dis-ease. It’s not that I am feeling negative – I just am not feeling a topic in the positivity realm

Living my Philosophy

Living my philosophy is an ongoing practice. Some days are easy, other days take far more work. When I began the process of Pathwalking, my original intent was to create a subject matter I could write about weekly. It wasn’t long before this evolved into my personal life philosophy. The more I wrote, the more I desired to share it with the world. This began as a self-directed journey through life, employing conscious reality creation to find and create the

Opinions Are Like Assholes

Opinions are like assholes…everybody has them, and many smell like crap. But you can also wash them and wipe them clean. It is my opinion that consciousness creates reality. I believe that the practice of mindfulness and becoming aware of what you are thinking and what and how you are feeling is how you become conscious for reality creation. It’s my opinion that positivity raises your inherent energy levels and opens you up to finding and creating new and better

Be You for You, Not for Them

You should be you for you and not for them. It is perfectly acceptable to put yourself and your paths in life first. When you are striving to find, create, and live a life of your own choosing, be sure that you are doing it for YOU, and not for someone else’s belief in who you are or who you should be. It is not a bad thing, nor selfish, to put yourself first in your own life. Yet you

How Can Saying No Be Positive?

Saying No is a matter of self-care and empowerment for your life. No is not necessarily negative. This can be an odd concept to wrap your head around, but recognizing the incredible positivity in saying No can open you up to a lot of potential and possibilities. How can No possibly not be negative? This is a misunderstanding of a word that in and of itself has a simple meaning, but that gets turned into a much broader, bigger, powerful

Two Roads Diverged – Yet I took Both

You can choose to travel more than one path in life at a time…even when the roads deviate. Every single day you choose what to do with your life. Or not. You decide what paths you will take to achieve the goals you have for yourself, whether immediate, short-term, or long-term. Or not. This is entirely up to you. Most people have dreams, visions of their lives, ideas, hopes, and designs for themselves. Some of these are pretty far-fetched, some

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