Positivity in the Face of “Reality”

Is it possible to find positivity in reality, given current world affairs? Yes. Let’s face it. There is very little good news about the world right now. Australia is burning, and it’s pretty scary. President Trump is threatening to commit war crimes and has illegally assassinated a foreign leader. Climate Change is not being addressed as the threat that it should be. The ultra-wealthy are getting richer at the expense of pretty much everyone else. I could go on, but

New Years’ Action 2020

Action and actions are more powerful than resolutions. My very favorite line from the entirety of Star Wars comes from Yoda. “Do or do not, there is no try.” For a long time, I didn’t fully comprehend what he meant by that. However, after a lot of years of sitting with and studying this statement, I get it. A try leaves room for failure and incompletion. Doing leaves no such space. This is not about the physical act so much

New Year, New Choices

The New Year brings new choices The end of the year is here. What do you desire for 2020? For far too many people I know, 2019 was an awful year. Whether it was deeply personal matters, health issues, family problems, or the impact of the numerous awful actions on the part of the government, this year was rough. We are about to hit 2020, a year that brings us to the beginning of a new decade. Also, you’re going

Have a Happy Holiday

Have a happy holiday. Whatever you celebrate – or don’t – have a good day! This time of year is overwhelmed by holidays. Lots of people celebrate something, be it Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, A’phabet Day (or No “L” Day), Grav Mass Day, or what-have-you. There are also people who celebrate nothing at all. Whatever the case may be for you, I want to wish you a Happy Holiday. And even if you celebrate nothing at all, have a good day.

When You Look for Fault

When you look for fault you will find it because you expect it. This weekend, The Rise of Skywalker came out. The 3rd movie of the 3rd Star Wars trilogy had a lot to live up to, and for many of us, it did. Is it perfect? No. Does it live up to the spirit of the series? Hell yes. Many of my friends have seen it, and the vast majority agree it was a fun movie, worthy of the

Do No Harm

Do no harm. When you are walking whatever path you choose it should have no intentionally negative impact on anyone else. Whatever paths you walk in life, you need to be mindful to do no harm. Truthfully, this should be easy. Unfortunately, a lot of the examples of “success” that you see come with a deep, false narrative. This includes notions of shoving people out of the way (literally and figuratively); getting past, around, over, and through other people; “taking”

The Positive Aspects of Nostalgia

The Positive Aspects of Nostalgia: Mindfulness will show you if your feelings are for a real memory or an idealization of the past. One of my fondest memories of my childhood is Star Wars. I was five years old the first time my parents took me to see this movie. Though I cannot entirely recall the experience, I do know that as I watched that ship (the Tantive IV, FYI) come soaring across the screen, as if from over our

Spirituality is Personal

Spirituality is personal. More often than not this is about faith and belief in yourself. Who I am is unique to me. I am a lot of things, depending on whom I am presenting myself to and what I am doing. But when all is said and done I am the one and only me. You are unique to you. You are a lot of things, depending on who you are presenting yourself to and what you are doing. But

Communication is The Key

Communication is the key. When you have a problem with someone, you ultimately have the ability to address them about the issue. We human beings are gifted with a myriad of means to communicate. We can talk, text, use hand gestures and body language, and even a combination of most of these to express ourselves to one another. You can tell people things they did not know, or help them to understand your point of view. Or you can choose

I’m Not an Expert           

I’m not an expert and that’s not a bad thing because it means there is more room to experience, grow, and learn. I know some things. There are lessons I’ve learned, the experiences I have had, and discoveries I have made through education, life events, and just observing the world around me. Over time I have developed a certain level of competence and confidence. With that confidence, it came to me to share. Why share? Because I believe that many

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