Always Positive is Impossible

Always positive is impossible – but how long you remain in a state that is not positive is a choice you get to make. Many people dislike any push for positivity. Why? Because they feel it’s artificial. You are ignoring major issues both with yourself and the world at large. Positivity all the time, they will argue, is impossible. On the one hand, they are correct. Always positive is impossible. As a human being, you will have experiences that are

Will you be Proactive or Reactive?

Will you be Proactive or Reactive? The choice is yours to make. Life is constantly in motion. You may pause from time to time, and you need to rest and recharge daily. Yet, even so, life is in motion, whether you are moving or still. Every morning when you wake up, you start making choices. The vast majority of these are fairly benign and almost automatic. Get out of bed or hit snooze? Shower or go give the cat attention?

Perception is Entirely On You

Perception is Entirely On You Nobody else can see the world through your eyes or from the inside of your head except for you. There is nobody inside your head but you. The only person who can think, feel, and do for you is you. It is nearly impossible to be completely cut-off from the world. So many things are constantly happening, and the connectivity between everyone via smartphones, the internet and such is a mixed blessing and curse. You

Be Mindful of Other People’s Joy

Choose to Be Mindful of Other People’s Joy Your paths will inevitably cross other people’s paths. What makes you happy and brings you joy is not the same for everyone else. For over 28 years now I have been participating in an interactive medieval reenactment society. Through this organization, I have made amazing friends, met people from around the world, and developed some really cool and fun hobbies. Over the last few years, there have been some really positive changes

When Will Then Be Now?

Exploring how to be present in the moment to consciously create reality with some positivity. One of my favorite comedy movies is Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs. This Star Wars parody features a lot of Ludicrous Speed gags (see what I did there?) silly one-liners, puns, and great characters. There is a great exchange between two of the bad guys, Dark Helmet and Colonel Sanders, that happens as they search for the heroes. For this search, they watch the videocassette of Spaceballs.

You Only Can Help You

You Can Only Help You It’s important to be there for your friends and loved ones…but this is more important. There is only one you. The only person who knows what’s best for you is you. Yet if you are a caring person, you are probably a giver. As such, likely you put yourself last. What’s more, it’s all-too-easy to believe that any other option is an act of selfishness. Of course you come last. Other people in your life,

Monday: Mayhem or Mystery?

Mayhem or Mystery? How you will approach the workweek is a choice you get to make. I began to write about positivity every Monday after encountering an over-abundance of negativity. Lots of people lamenting the end of the weekend, complaining about work, whining about adulting, and the usual anti-Monday anti-work and/or school complaints. If you go into a Monday expecting it to suck, chances are good you will not be disappointed. So why not, instead, look for ways to expect

How did I End up Here?

The path I am on has not changed, but I did not expect to end up here. This is, however, an unexpected good situation. While on more than one occasion I have found myself at a crossroads in regards to my life and direction, this is different. It’s not a crossroads, nor a path, but an unexpected destination. And I am trying to wrap my head around how I managed to end up here. For the past 10 months, I

Living in this Moment

Right now, at this moment, how are you feeling? One of the key tenets of the practice of mindfulness is being in the now. Rather than looking back to the past or forward to the future, often subconsciously, you put yourself in the now, consciously. When you are conscious of where you are, what you are doing, and what you are thinking and feeling that is practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is awareness, primarily of yourself…but that also better opens you to

That Didn’t Go How I Expected It To

That situation didn’t go how I expected it to, and that’s not a bad thing in this case. You can make all sorts of plans for your life. There are innumerable paths you can choose. Yet no matter the path nor the plan, sometimes it doesn’t go how you expected it to. Sometimes this is not so good. Often, it’s not a bad thing at all. Perfect example. Recently, I applied for a job as a receptionist. No, not the

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