A Change of Perspective

While my perspective has changed throughout my life, I still need a change of perspective today. It is all too easy to look at what you do not have. The things that you have not yet accomplished, the ongoing processes and insufficient results, and on and on. Despite my philosophy and conscious reality creation work, I still find myself looking at what I haven’t got yet. For example – I’m still not earning the kind of money I believe that

Why Not Choose Positivity Today?

Today is the day. Choosing positivity consciously creates this fact. Why is today any more special than yesterday? Because today is the day. For what? Whatever you choose it to be. No matter where you have come from or what experience you had yesterday – today is a new day. Ergo, you get to choose how today is going to be. While this can feel like a trite, overused, hooky-spooky sentiment – that doesn’t make it any less true. Today

One Person, Many Paths – One Mind and Mindfulness

I am just one person. But there are many paths I can choose from. Practicing mindfulness is the key to Pathwalking and like philosophies. Many people believe that life is beyond their control. Shit happens, you go with whatever comes your way. You do what you gotta do – and unless you are somehow special, expect nothing but the bare minimums. Let’s just dispel that right off the bat. Every. Single. Person. On. The. Planet. Is. Amazing. The potential and

Choose How You Win or Lose

You get to choose how you handle a win or a loss. Trump is a sore loser. He doesn’t lose, as far as he is concerned. Never mind that both the popular vote and electoral vote are not in his favor – he’s a winner. So, if his supporters start some shit and he is the cause of a constitutional crisis via his obstinance and unsupportable claims of fraud – it’s not on him, right? He is choosing to be

One Day at a Time

Today isn’t yesterday. Tomorrow won’t be today. One day at a time. When I was younger, I was super high-strung. It didn’t take a lot for me to get out-of-sorts. And my temper? Yeah, there were numerous walls and doors over the years I put a fist or foot into in anger. I know I wrecked a whole bunch of my cordless phones by throwing them in my 20s. During my 30s, following the nearly crippling accident that made me

It is All a Choice

Everything you focus on, do, and think about is a choice you make. I used to be a victim of circumstance. I used to believe that shit happened, and nothing was mine to control. There was a destiny, a fate that I could not escape, and the Universe would continue to mess with me at every step. It was easy to blame my parents for my relationship failings. That, in turn, allowed me to pass accountability for my constant struggles

Take Joy in Your Path

Why would you choose a path if it wouldn’t bring you joy? Why do you do what you do? That’s a loaded question with different answers, dependent on the “what.” For certain obligations and expectations, the answer is responsibility, to earn money, contribute to society, etc. But what about goals? Big or small, why do you do what you do to reach an intended goal? The answer, I am guessing, is satisfaction. You seek that sense of achievement, of accomplishment,

The Positivity of Impermanence

The impermanence of everything is the key to change for the best. This has been a difficult year. Lots of people have decided that history is likely to remember 2020 as a dumpster fire. And let’s face it – that’s not wrong. I don’t need to get into the specifics – again – because I’m sure that the most withdrawn hermit out there is aware. Uncertainty and fear are dominating everything. Fortunately, this is not how it will be forever.

That was Unexpected

But that’s how the path goes sometimes. Expect the unexpected. The biggest goal I have for my life is to do something that makes the world a better place. It is my greatest desire to have a positive impact on the world. I hope to help people lead better lives, do more amazing things, and generally experience all the potential and possibilities. There are two paths of a similar ilk that I am taking along that way. The first is

Time is Yours to Control

You have more power over time than you realize. Despite the labels we put on time – it is almost entirely made up of individual perceptions. That’s why an hour doing something dull and unpleasant can seem to stretch on interminably while an hour doing something you enjoy can seem to pass in an instant. That’s the reality of time. It’s not the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and similar specifics we give to it. Time in its most pure

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