Why This Path?

Exploring why this path is the right path and what that means. Nobody has one single path they will take in their lifetime. You will choose more than one path along the way. This occurs for multiple reasons. At different times in your life, you’ll desire different things. What you desire as a child is likely not what you desire as a teen. The things you desire change as you grow and change. When I started college, I wanted to

Breaking New Ground

Intentional change is a matter of breaking new ground. Every day is a new day. Cliché, right? That doesn’t make it any less true. Every single day of your life is different from the day before. To be fair, many days are similar. But that doesn’t mean they’re the same. Because they aren’t. It has taken me a long time to reconcile this. For years, I was always looking ahead from today to tomorrow – while also chewing on past

What is Situational Awareness?

Situational awareness is the knowledge of others and how they impact you and vice versa. As much as I love fencing and one-on-one combat, I have an equal love for melee combat. Melee combat, for those unfamiliar with the concept, involves combat between two or more fighters against like or greater numbers. The dynamics of combat change dramatically when the numbers increase. Tactics for two-on-two differ from one-on-one. Now multiply that by a LOT. Tactics for dozens versus dozens are

Stay Home and Share Thanks Apart

It may feel negative, but the positivity of choosing to stay home and share thanks is immeasurable. Here in the United States, Thanksgiving is coming up. This holiday kicks off the season since it is immediately followed by mass consumerism leading up to Christmas. This year has been one of the most difficult for virtually everyone I know. Between the ongoing pandemic, a contentious Presidential election that the loser refuses to concede, and continued uncertainty stemming from both – the

A Change of Perspective

While my perspective has changed throughout my life, I still need a change of perspective today. It is all too easy to look at what you do not have. The things that you have not yet accomplished, the ongoing processes and insufficient results, and on and on. Despite my philosophy and conscious reality creation work, I still find myself looking at what I haven’t got yet. For example – I’m still not earning the kind of money I believe that

Why Not Choose Positivity Today?

Today is the day. Choosing positivity consciously creates this fact. Why is today any more special than yesterday? Because today is the day. For what? Whatever you choose it to be. No matter where you have come from or what experience you had yesterday – today is a new day. Ergo, you get to choose how today is going to be. While this can feel like a trite, overused, hooky-spooky sentiment – that doesn’t make it any less true. Today

One Person, Many Paths – One Mind and Mindfulness

I am just one person. But there are many paths I can choose from. Practicing mindfulness is the key to Pathwalking and like philosophies. Many people believe that life is beyond their control. Shit happens, you go with whatever comes your way. You do what you gotta do – and unless you are somehow special, expect nothing but the bare minimums. Let’s just dispel that right off the bat. Every. Single. Person. On. The. Planet. Is. Amazing. The potential and

Choose How You Win or Lose

You get to choose how you handle a win or a loss. Trump is a sore loser. He doesn’t lose, as far as he is concerned. Never mind that both the popular vote and electoral vote are not in his favor – he’s a winner. So, if his supporters start some shit and he is the cause of a constitutional crisis via his obstinance and unsupportable claims of fraud – it’s not on him, right? He is choosing to be

One Day at a Time

Today isn’t yesterday. Tomorrow won’t be today. One day at a time. When I was younger, I was super high-strung. It didn’t take a lot for me to get out-of-sorts. And my temper? Yeah, there were numerous walls and doors over the years I put a fist or foot into in anger. I know I wrecked a whole bunch of my cordless phones by throwing them in my 20s. During my 30s, following the nearly crippling accident that made me

It is All a Choice

Everything you focus on, do, and think about is a choice you make. I used to be a victim of circumstance. I used to believe that shit happened, and nothing was mine to control. There was a destiny, a fate that I could not escape, and the Universe would continue to mess with me at every step. It was easy to blame my parents for my relationship failings. That, in turn, allowed me to pass accountability for my constant struggles

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