You are Enough

Good enough, smart enough, wise enough, etc. You are enough. There is an ongoing notion that there must always be more. More. More! This gets applied to virtually every aspect of our lives. Tangibles and intangibles. We need more money. More time. We need more toys. More love. This sparks pointless competition between people. We look to the homes and possessions of our friends and compare them to our own. Then, we equate success and achievement alongside those comparisons. When

How Do You Suffer Fools?

I, for one, don’t suffer fools easily. Presently, the United States is a nation of surreal paradox. On the one hand, you have some of the finest tech and scientific minds you can imagine. On the other hand, you have people who think the Earth is flat and vaccines cause autism or implant microchips. Some schools teach robotics and advanced math while others teach creationism and refuse to acknowledge ongoing racism in the country. It is very hard not to

You Belong Here

The positivity of this statement is tremendous. You belong here. You might know your life’s purpose. Or you might not. Either way – you belong here. I know a lot of people who struggle with questions big and small. They search for meaning, try to understand why they exist, the impact they have on the world, and more. Questing to understand life is good – it helps us to grow and learn. But whatever you find along the way, you

This is Who I Am

Who I am – an honest assessment of my flawed, imperfect self. Almost ten and a half years ago, I began to explore this philosophy I call Pathwalking. Over that time, all of the articles I have written, additional blogging on mindfulness, conscious reality creation, positivity, and the like have changed who I am and how I approach my life. The change has been for the better. But while I am in a good place – I am still working

It’s Never Too Late

The positivity of realizing it’s never too late is spectacular. In the United States, at least, there’s a whole cultural phenomenon around “middle age.” Some people celebrate it while others lament it. And let’s be perfectly blunt here – “middle-aged” white men have a certain level of privilege that they take advantage of selfishly more often than selflessly. Because of the attention surrounding becoming “middle-aged” – there is also a whole idea of no longer being able to do certain

Know Your Habits to Change Your Habits

You can’t change habits you aren’t consciously aware of. When it comes to choosing any given path, the choice often requires adjusting routines. That’s not to say that all routine is bad. Some routines are super-healthy. They may be good for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically – or all the above. Instituting regular exercise or writing out daily gratitude are examples of this. Some habits are obvious to us. But others are not. And that’s because habit exists in your

Stronger as We

The positivity of being WE and disregarding “us” or “them” is tremendous. We are all one. When you get past these physical bodies we identify ourselves as, the communities and affiliations you and I place ourselves within, and any other identifications you can imagine – we are the same. At our core, we are Universal source energy. It doesn’t matter if you are male, female, fat, thin, Christian, atheist, American, Korean, or whatever other labels you can think of. At

“Us” versus “Them” Is A Lie

The impact of “us” versus “them” harms our life paths. All of us live inside this society to one degree or another. Thus, all of us are equally subjected to a particularly damaging lie. The artifice of “us” versus “them.” All too often, this is used by those in “power” for control. They create “laws” supposedly intent on protecting “us” from “them.” All you have to do is look at the United States right now. Voter laws, anti-transgender measures, the

This Isn’t Self-Help Psychological Mumbo-Jumbo

Self-help involves any and all acknowledgment of mental health matters. Mental health is important. And the stigma that still exists regarding aspects of it helps nobody. A lot of different elements go into working on mental health. Many of these elements work best when combined. Therapy, psychopharmacology, and self-help notions can be used separately. But often a combination of these proves to be most effective. In my experience, the best way to not just find but stay balanced and centered

How Important is Communication?

Communication is the key to connection – both within and without. I would, unscientifically, estimate that 90% of all the chaos, uncertainty, and misunderstanding between the peoples of the world is due to issues with communication. These, like the people themselves, are wildly variable. Some of it is language – both a difference in the language used and comprehension of similar language. I suspect some of it is miscommunication – a lack of nuance, a poorly-stated intention, or general misunderstanding.

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