Why Can’t We Always Have Positivity in Life?

Because change is inevitable – and positivity coexists with negativity. We live in a world of opposites and extremes. But the important thing about this is that we exist within the opposites and extremes. Very few people exist at any given extreme. Near, perhaps – but seldom at. This is why comparing extremes and opposites via a coin misunderstands the breadth and depth of this reality. It’s not a coin, it’s a cylinder with vast space between the given extremes.

How Is The Struggle An Important Part of Any Chosen Path?

Because without the struggle we lack the impetus for growth and change. One of the hardest aspects of working to improve our lives is stepping out of our existing comfort zones. Why is it called a comfort zone? Because it’s comfortable. Though that’s not wholly accurate. More than being comfortable, our comfort zone is about familiarity. It’s what we know, are used to, and consider deep down to be the norm. Such that it is. This is why we often

Is It Really Worth the Effort?

You alone know if it’s really worth the effort – or not. What is “It”? That depends, I suppose. Various things that we can experience will qualify as “it.” Might be something big and scary or small and mundane. “It” might be getting up early to go for a walk. Or it might be applying for that dream job you’ve always wanted. Maybe “it” is finally cleaning out the walk-in closet in your bedroom. Perhaps “it” is taking the time

Why Are We What, How, Where, Who, and Why We Are?

Why we are – and all else – depends on circumstances both in and out of our control. Please pause a moment. Look around you and then make note of where you are. How did you get there? What made you decide to be where you are, right now? Is this where somewhere you actually want to be – or not? For various reasons, you are where you are. Maybe you’re somewhere you have chosen – or not. And even

Why and How Does Genuine, Real Positivity Build Things and Empower?

Because genuine positivity is a creative force that will build things and empower us. Positivity is not a permanent state of being. That’s because, realistically, there is no single state of being for anyone. That’s just the way it works. We all go through various states of being depending on any number of circumstances both in and out of our control. Toxic positivity tends to postulate that always being positive in mind, body, and spirit is the end-all-be-all. But that’s

Is What We Do After We Get Bad News Ours to Choose?

We all get bad news sometimes. But what we do after we receive it is up to each of us to choose. One of my best friends wrecked an ankle long ago. Like, thoroughly destroyed it. They repaired it with pins and plates, and it served him for nearly 2 decades. But over time, the pain levels associated with that ankle became unbearable. For several years he’s been fighting the constant pain, and it was negatively impacting his life. At

The Zen of Positivity

True positivity is Zen. Many, many years ago, I was introduced to the idea of Zen when my best friend handed me the book Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryū Suzuki. FYI, if you have not read this book, I highly recommend it. Why? Because Zen is an ultimate state of calm, peace, and being present in the here and now. It’s often joked about and even made fun of. But it’s a very good place to be because it’s

Is Focusing Scattered Attention A Challenge for You Like it is For Me?

The name implies that scattered attention is scattered. But is it the same for everyone? I have a lot of metaphorical irons in the fire. These include: Working for an amazing entrepreneur part-time Editing existing work to send to the editor Working for an awesome web-training company part-time Writing the first book of my new sci-fi series Various things for my medieval reenactment society A web3/Metaverse game project Putting together my first speaking project It’s exciting stuff. This all works

When We’re Not Nice to Ourselves How Do We Expect a Nice World?

It’s super important to us and the world to be nice to ourselves. I’ve written it before – I’ll likely write it again. I am my own harshest critic. I also know full well that I am not in any way, shape, or form alone in this. Lots of people I know are most critical when it comes to themselves. While it’s a good thing to be self-aware and give ourselves critical focus for our overall good – it’s way

When We’re On Our Life Paths We’re Not Always Walking Alone

Our life paths belong to us alone – but that doesn’t mean we walk them wholly alone. At the start of 2012, I began Pathwalking. This regular weekly blog would evolve into a whole life philosophy. Through this process, I have been choosing paths for my life experience for the past 11 years. These have been some of the best years of my life. Many things have changed over this decade-plus – the vast majority of it being for the

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