Which Do You Fear More – Rejection or Suffering?

It’s not the rejection you fear so much as the suffering that’ll come with it. Nobody likes to suffer. Suffering – mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually – is unpleasant. The pain that comes with suffering – tangible or not – is unpleasant, distressing, uncomfortable, and just plain awful. But do you know what’s worse than suffering? Often – the fear over how and what it’ll be. Frequently, we don’t recognize suffering as our fear. It gets cloaked in another, more

It’s Time to Walk the Talk and Be My Own Best Advocate

Talk (or writing) is cheap. Action is necessary. My best advocate is me, after all. In 2012, I began to blog once a week. Less than a year and a half later, it became twice a week. From there, I expanded my efforts. I’d said for a long time that I was a writer. And I had evidence of that being true – but not sharable evidence. Blogging regularly led to writing more frequently in general, which in turn led

I Owned Up to My Mistake and It Essentially Worked Out Okay

When you own up to a mistake accountability is empowering. I presently work 3 jobs. First and foremost – I work for myself. Writer, editor, storyteller, podcaster, blogger, etc. I’m taking action and doing things to build the life I most desire to have for myself. Secondly, I’ve been working for this amazing entrepreneur for the last year. She has multiple businesses and tons of amazing ideas. I am both her personal assistant and the managing director of her brands

Acceptance Is a Matter of Positivity – And It Starts with Ourselves

Acceptance of ourselves begins all else. For a long time, I was less than fond of myself. All I seemed to be capable of was finding the fault in myself. I was always looking at how I managed to fail at jobs, screw up relationships, and remain overweight. For about two decades, I lived indecisively, constantly finding the flaws in myself, and not accepting all of how I was uniquely me. Sometime in my late 30s, though, that began to

How Is It Worthwhile to Adjust Our Mindset/Headspace/Psyche Selves?

It’s worthwhile because it’s the only thing we can genuinely control. Ever find yourself thinking about something utterly outside of your control? I don’t just mean a random, passing thought. What I’m on about is giving deep, analytical thought towards something over which you have zero control. For example – politics. Apart from voting, protests, phone calls and letters to our representatives – there’s nothing we can do. When it comes to the world stage, there’s even less that we

It’s Not a Limited Pie – There’s More Than Enough for Everyone

There are more than enough of the things we desire most. Everybody wants things. Some are basic necessities – like food, clothing, and shelter. Others are modern necessities like a mobile phone, wifi connections, transportation, and the like that we could live without – but prefer not to. And then there are the bigger, better, faster, more desirable things we would like to have – but are not entirely necessary. Newer cars and mobile phones, faster computers, better wardrobes, smaller

Why Is Maintaining an Abundance Mindset So Challenging?

An abundance mindset often stands against real and imagined aspects of reality. I recognize and acknowledge that my life is good. Not to brag, but in the grand scheme of things, my life is good. I have an incredible partner, jobs I like, a career I love, friends, a roof over my head, and many things above and beyond basics. For this, I am deeply grateful. So many people in the world are not in this position. There’s room for

How Are We More Capable via Genuine, Non-Toxic Positivity?

Genuine, non-toxic positivity opens us to empowerment, potential, and possibilities. Unless you live under a rock, no doubt you feel that the world has gone slightly mad. I could provide lots of examples here – but it’s not necessary. Our fear-based society seems hell-bent on providing more reasons every day to feel uncertain, concerned, distressed, and generally negative. This means that every day we get to choose if we’ll let the fear-base in the collective consciousness of the world dominate

How Do We Stand Up to Fear and Uncertainty Along Our Paths?

Genuine mindfulness lets us recognize fear and uncertainty and how to handle them on our paths. Fear takes many forms. Often, it’s disguised as uncertainty, trepidation, self-doubt, general doubt, brain weasels, and the like. Fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It has served the human race well in protecting us from harm. But the things we needed fear to protect us from have changed. A lot. We are no longer prey to anything but other human beings. Fear that protected

How Do I Do Better At Not Being My Own Greatest Obstacle?

What do I do to get out of my own way when I know I’m my greatest obstacle? Sometime back in the late 1990s, I began to explore what many deem the hooky-spooky. Energies, Reiki, conscious reality creation, manifestation, positivity, and general mindful self-awareness. Through all of that, I started to really get to know myself better. I saw both who I was and who I desired to be. To that end, I made more conscious decisions and choices, then

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