Regret Does You No Good – Because You Can’t Unring That Bell

Time may be cyclical, but life moves in only one direction – and regret doesn’t serve you. Regret can be a very sticky topic. And there are lots of things that cause regret. Based on the definition at, regret is a feeling of remorse, a sense of loss, and coinciding disappointment. In other words, the fear of missing out (FOMO) realized. I woulda, coulda, shoulda – but didn’t. The problem with regret is that it’s unactionable. You can’t do

How Do You Focus on Useful Things in the Face of Information Overload?

Inundated with information overload, how do you shift your focus to what you can control? Let’s face it – the world is mad. Spend any time whatsoever on social media, watching or reading the news – and you’re bombarded by all the evidence of the madness – and then some. The 24-hour news cycle doesn’t make us collectively more informed. In truth, it makes us more scared, distressed, and unhappy. We don’t know the world around us and what’s happening

Is It Possible to Both Be Okay and Not Okay?

I’m pretty sure okay and not okay coexisting is rather common. It occurred to me today that while I’m mostly okay, overall – I’m not okay. A lot of different things have happened in the past 2 months that are the reason why I’m not okay. After successfully rolling multiple 20s since the winter of 2020, I rolled a 1 at Christmastime and failed to dodge COVID. Very, very fortunately I had a mild case. This I attribute to being

If You’re Empowered Do Other People Become Disempowered?

Empowerment is not a zero-sum matter. When you’re empowered nobody becomes disempowered. One of the most dangerous false narratives in our society today is around what equates to selfishness. In many respects, nearly every act of self-care, self-focus, and anything else that puts you first is considered selfish. If you don’t give enough time, energy, work, and what-have-you to your family, friends, and community – before self-care – you’re being selfish. This false narrative is the bedrock of a far

Did You Know That Your Identity Is Largely Artificial?

Your identity is labeled via artifice mostly tied to your egoic self. Identity is complex. How you identify yourself varies depending on circumstances and situations. Student. Parent. Child. Friend. Lover. Coworker. Boss. Man. Woman. No matter which of these apply, they seldom apply all at once. And what’s more – all of them are artificial. Additionally, your identity will change constantly. Some of that change is wholly under your control. But much of it will be viewed and commented on

Why Is Knowledge as Empowerment Important to You and Me?

Because only via empowerment do you and I have genuine, positive control. I’m always learning something new. And I revel in that. I learn in different ways from different resources. That includes other people, books, experiences, places, and sometimes combinations of all the above. The lessons are equally as variable. You probably know of Sir Francis Bacon’s statement, “knowledge itself is power” as “knowledge is power.” But I think that missed the mark because “power” is an obscure, often abused

Why Make Choices for Everything That’s in Your Life’s Paths?

Because when you make choices, you take control. From the moment you wake up, you’re making choices in and for your life’s paths. Hit the snooze or get out of bed? Pee or feed the cats? Drink a glass of water or start the coffee? Shower now, later, or not at all? Though they might seem utterly mundane and insignificant – they still matter. Why? Because they’ll impact everything else you do today. Hit snooze, and you might doze off

How is Positivity Not the Same as Positive Thinking?

Because genuine, non-toxic positivity isn’t just thought. In my quest to better myself and live my life as fully as possible. I’ve listened to and read numerous self-help, empowerment, manifestation, and similar books, audiobooks, podcasts, and the like. I’ve read, analyzed, and even absorbed a wide range of information – both useful and less than useful. My studies have included the spiritual, philosophical, psychological, educational, scientific, and everything in between. A key trope I’ve seen over and over again in

Do You Choose to Live Your Life in Fear or Reason?

Living in fear is a choice – even when it doesn’t feel like it. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a surreal experience. And it’s changed the world – not for the better. Maybe it was ultimately unavoidable that COVID would become a darker, nastier influenza. Speculating on the “what ifs?” is moot because you can’t undo, redo, or change the past. The unfortunate reality is that COVID is here to stay. You can take all the precautions in the world

How is Love the Most Positive Emotion That There Is?

Because love is both bigger and simpler than you think and feel that it is. Shopping at the grocery store, I saw that all the Valentine’s candy was on display. Chocolate hearts everywhere. Valentine’s Day is my least favorite holiday. The reasons are many, and frankly inconsequential to this story – save one. Love is falsely represented by Valentine’s Day. How’s that? Everywhere you look, Valentine’s Day celebrates relationships, intimacy, romance, and various other notions of overblown, romantic love. It

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