Why is The Unknown Path So Damned Scary?

Because it’s unknown – and thus, uncertain. On the one hand, I’ve never been one for plans, lists, and the like. It’s always felt genuine and true to myself to be more improvisational in my approach to life. On the other hand, I’m a Virgo. Sometimes I get utterly ordered and freakishly clean, arrange, and set stuff up. When it comes to choosing and walking a given path in my life, this can be challenging. Loose and ready for anything

Care to Know Why I Believe the World Needs More Genuine Positivity?

Because positivity is an attitude that can create empowering change for everyone. Why did I start writing about Positivity every week over 9 years ago? Because one Monday, I noticed that every single post from all my friends on social media was negative. Everyone was either expressing concern about ongoing problems in the world at large, personal issues, hatred of Monday and the work week, and so on. A wave of negativity that was akin to sinking to the bottom

What If the Right Path Chosen Yesterday is the Wrong Path Today?

Right and wrong are seldom written in stone. The path will frequently change. How old are you? Do you think that you are who you were when you were 10 years old? How about 20 years old? Do you think you (or your path) are who you were even a year ago? The point is that you are always changing. Sometimes, it’s barely noticeable. Other times, it’s sudden. Some change is desirable – some less so. But change can, will,

How Is Empowerment So Easy/Why is It All So Hard?

Creating and/or finding empowerment can be so easy…but why is it also so hard? One of my all-time favorite books is Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. If you have not read this book – I can’t recommend it enough. I don’t know that it matters what genres you typically read – this book is just amazing. The central premise is the idea of living every day with purpose – and finding your way even when the way is blocked. This is

How Does Mind over Matter in Mindfulness Actually Work?

Mind over matter is a challenge many people struggle with. I firmly believe that consciousness creates reality. This process occurs through the active practice of mindfulness – conscious awareness, here and now, of that which you control. Specifically – your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. Working with mindfulness, you can make choices and decisions to actively, consciously create reality. I’ve done this. More than once. Thus, I know that it’s not some pie-in-the-sky bullshit. However – neither can conscious reality

How Does Non-Toxic Positivity Better Your Life Experience?

Non-toxic positivity is a creative force for self-care and improvement. The word “positivity” might set your teeth on edge. That’s probably because you’ve been exposed to all the toxic positivity out there. Toxic positivity is the idea that if you think positive – and ONLY positive – your life will be the best it can be. What’s more, toxic positivity rather blatantly disregards, ignores, or turns a blind eye to anything that’s not positive. Positivity in this manner turns anything

Why and How Is It Good For You To Ask for Help Sometimes?

You ask for help because nobody can do everything alone. I’m incredibly self-sufficient. I’ve been this way since my early 20s. Asking for help doesn’t come easily to me. This is due to any number of reasons, ranging from control issues, fear of appearing weak, and fear of rejection, to having my self-respect lost both to myself and others. And of course, there have been outside lessons borne of human nature and lack of reliability in some people. Self-care, self-awareness,

Why Is It Good That There Are NO Absolutes in Life?

Because no absolutes means endless possibilities. There are always extremes. For every good there’s bad. Every up has a down. Positivity is mirrored by negativity. Liberals face off against conservatives. Extremes are on either end of a given spectrum (whether you compare via a coin, flexible cylinder, or what have you). The extremes rarely, if ever, exist alone. There’s a ginormous amount of color and grey between them. Yet you’re often being lumped into one group or another. Or getting

What is The Ego and How Does It Control Your Life Experience?

The ego is an almost conscious entity in and of itself. The concept of the ego, as most people are familiar with, originated from Sigmund Freud in 1923. In his paper, The Ego and the Id, he laid out what has become a major foundation for psychoanalysis that’s still applied today. To summarize (probably poorly), Freud’s concept of the ego was focused on the self – between the fun-loving and impulsive Id and the spiritual and ethereal Superego. Freud’s take

How Do Embracing Change and Positivity Go Hand In Hand?

Embracing change gives you control you won’t otherwise have – and that’s hugely positive. There is only one constant in the Universe – change. Change happens all the time. You can’t stop it. You can either ride it out, stand in resistance to it, or do the work to embrace it and take what control is in it for you. Change is scary because it’s anathema to comfort. Or at least that’s the perception. Change will pull you from an

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