How Can You Be Both Alone and Not Alone at the Same Time?

Alone and not alone coexist differently from feeling lonely. There are no absolute truths. Even the most well-known, established scientific laws can change. One of the most amazing things about science is how it recognizes that for everything we know, there’s infinitely more that we don’t know. There are always new questions, new ideas, new perspectives, and things beyond our knowledge to be learned. One of the most fascinating notions in science, to me, is that of Schrödinger’s cat. If

Trigger Warning: Do You Control Your Triggers or Do They Control You?

What I’m exploring here might upset people with various triggers. But please read on. I’m all for warning about content. Some people have sensitivities that should be acknowledged and addressed as such. I think it’s good to be sensitive to this. Now I’m going to get controversial. Some people will do everything in their power to avoid their triggers. I get that, I really do. I have some triggers, too. But this becomes problematic because avoiding triggers allows them to

How Do You Release an Emotion You Can’t Identify?

Working with an emotion you can’t give a name to is challenging. As I strive to walk my chosen paths in life, I find that there are times I must confront subconscious matters. Many of these get tied to old, outdated beliefs and values. Some are tied to habits. All of these exist in the subconscious and can only, thus, be accessed consciously with effort. Thoughts and feelings are tenets of the present. Hence, they can only be truly known

Must Everyone Celebrate Anniversaries and the Like?

When you celebrate you generate positivity – but this is about you and not anyone else. My father and stepmother got married in 1983. I was 11 years old and remember much of the event. Despite using their anniversary for a long-lost combination lock – I nearly always forget to wish them a happy anniversary. My mom and stepdad got married in 1994. I was 21 years old and remember the small ceremony at the synagogue. While I can tell

Why Are Habits Such a Hard Habit to Break?

Breaking a habit frequently requires a lot of conscious effort. People love quick-fix solutions. From diet and exercise programs to pills to life hacks, modern society has a love affair with seeking and finding the quick fix. Get it done as fast as possible with as little effort as possible. The problem is that quick fixes are nearly never true fixes. For example – going on a diet can help a person lose weight. And it will continue to work

How is the Unusual More the Usual Than the Unusual?

Who decides usual from unusual, anyhow? I have never been called normal. Not by any stretch of the imagination. Being unusual is my usual. As a kid, I was different from those around me on many levels – both physically and emotionally. As a teen, because of where I grew up, I was a good head shorter than most of the other boys my age. Unusual tended to be an apt descriptor for me. Like most teens and twenty-somethings, I

How and Why Do People Have a Problem with Inclusivity?

Any problem with inclusivity comes from artificial lack, scarcity, and insufficiency. It never ceases to amaze me how bent out of shape people get over inclusivity. No matter what the topic – race, gender, color, religion – you will find somebody objecting to inclusivity. Logically, and reasonably, this makes no sense at all. Why would you want to deny other people their rights, freedoms, and acts of basic human decency? In asking this question lots and lots, I believe I

Do You Have Some Days You Feel Like You’re Living a Lie?

I believe that everyone has some days like this. Who in the hell am I? That’s the question, isn’t it? Who are you? Then, because that question alone isn’t sufficient, where, how, and why also get tossed into the mix. Everyone makes choices every day. Some are small and largely automatic. Some are huge with massive effects/affects and/or consequences. Whatever the case might be, you will have both good days and bad days. Among these, some good days are life-changing,

Are You and Your Life Worthwhile and Deserving of What You Desire?

No matter what it is – you ARE worthwhile and deserving. Everyone has bad days. That’s part of the human experience. Even the happiest, most upbeat, and most positive people have bad days. That’s the yin/yang of the Universe at play. I know how it feels when you’re depressed. That sense of worthlessness, that you are unable to win, that no matter what you do, the Universe hands you shit sandwiches – and hovers over you until you take a

Do You Truly Get to Choose How to Feel After Sh*t Happens?

After your initial reaction – when sh*t happens – you get to choose how to feel. In the United States, tax time is almost here. In case you forgot – you should get on that this week. I do my damndest to avoid math. While I’m not as bad at it as I sometimes think I am – I thoroughly dislike it. When it comes to the insanity that is taxes, I am perfectly happy to spend some money and

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