
Dune’s Litany Against Fear states this so well:  “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Then we get FDR:  “The only thing we have to fear

More thoughts – religion and public life.

I give you part 2 of my rant on the topic of religion. Let me state this plain and simple – religion has NO PLACE in public service, politics, and policy.  Period. Let me begin my explanation by stating I have NOTHING against religion overall – my issue here comes of the largest problem with putting religion into these practices. Which religion are you using? There are a LOT of religions, sects, sub-sects, minor and major groups, subdivisions, and cults

Next reality topic – Religion vs Morality vs Spirituality.

I am going to split this into multiple parts, because there are multiple distinct thoughts I have on this topic.  The first part I’ll give you my take on religion, morality and spirituality. Religion has been called by Karl Marx the “Opiate of the masses”.  My own understanding of the tenet of religion is a group of people sharing a system of beliefs with regards to the inexplicable (i.e. god, death, the unknown in general) for mutual comfort and understanding. 

A real topic – Politics.

It is time for a first rant, I think.  Thus far I’ve kept things pretty benign. Today’s topic – Politics.  Let’s talk about the state of politics in the USA, shall we?  In my opinion – they are completed FUBAR.  The levels of deceit, greed and corruption in our Congress is both shameful and ludicrous.  The partisanship and patronism is completely out of hand, and no one is doing anything about it. On the surface, Health Care reform is a

Webpage Ramblings

When I got published in the anthology Rum and Runestones, I was given a chance to write a bio about myself.  Well, I did…and in that bio mentioned my personal website, MJ Blehart.  At the time I mentioned my website, it was nothing but a domain I owned – but it was unhosted.  When I learned the actual release of the anthology was days away, I determined that I had better not leave the site without content. SO – I

What to share, what to share?

I have a private blog I keep on LiveJournal.  I’ve had that one up and running for a number of years now.  And unless you happen to be a friend of mine, I don’t share what I put there. But now I have this blog.  And so far…no content.  What do I put here, that I am willing to share with anyone and everyone, versus what I post to my LJ for just my closer friends? I will start to

What is a titanium don, anyhow?

Not so much a what, as a who, really. Hi there.  I am MJ Blehart, also known to many as Malcolm Bowman.  MJ Blehart is a writer and entrepreneur residing in New Jersey.  Malcolm Bowman is a persona of MJ Blehart in the Society for Creative Anachronism, hailing from the late 16th Century England, residing in the East Kingdom.  MJ Blehart is a Mister.  Malcolm Bowman is a Don.  And due to a shoulder composed largely of titanium following a

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