The Electoral College and You

I want to talk about a topic that most people know pretty much nothing about, really: The Electoral College. In the interest of blissful ignorance, I have to wonder just how many people are aware of just how this antiquated system works? Did you know that we do not elect the President and Vice President of the United States? Nope.  We do not elect them.  We cast a vote, sure…but the actual election is done by 538 people. That’s right,

An open letter to the US Congress from an Average American

Dear Legislative Branch, Greetings.  I am an Average American, working for a living, trying to build a life for myself and paying my bills and so on and so forth.  I pursue life, liberty, and happiness, as per the Declaration of Independence. Now, seriously – look at me.  Because clearly you do not see me, or the other MILLIONS like me.  You see the poor, because you HAVE to pay them mind.  If you don’t you’re considered heartless.  You see

Why the modern American political system needs help – Fixes?

Let’s continue to talk about politics. My previous topic was the why of the broken American political system.  This time I want to share my thoughts on ways to fix it, and what I think might be coming. The first can be done NOW.  We the people need to tell our politicians that the Electoral College needs to be gone.  Removed.  Demolished.  Period. The Electoral College may have made sense at a time when this nation was far smaller, and

Why the modern American political system needs help – Thoughts.

Let’s talk about politics. I do not care what side of the ‘aisle’ you are on – or if you are a centrist.  The political landscape of the USA is at best a mess, at worst dangerously broken. Our politicians continue to make it clear that they don’t care all that much about the people they have been elected by – they care about the money, and continuing to get re-elected.  A US Congressperson when first elected probably does real


The world needs help. There is a tremendous amount of bad going on lately. But more than that – there is a lot of FOCUS on all this bad. And the more we focus on negatives – the more we draw these negatives to us. As a Warrior of the Light (and for a full definition of that phrase, I refer you to Paulo Cuelho’s book of the same name) I feel I must do my part to be a

Choice. Decision. Action.

Its been a while since my last post here.  Life has been a tad busy – and my internet connectivity at work is no longer any good.  Gotta love over-enthusiastic security. Anyhow…I have been debating what topic to cover next, and I think I shall choose one near but not so dear to me.  Choice.  Decision.  Action. All things in life, I believe, come down to this.  Choices.  Decision.  Action.  Every day we ware faced with choices, have to make


Why do we exclude? One of my biggest complaints about religion nowadays is how exclusive it has become.  And in being exclusive, it becomes intolerant.  Wasn’t the entire point of the formation of these religious organizations to provide a place of INclusion?  Wasn’t this supposed to be about bringing together a community of people with a similar set of ideas/beliefs and dare I say values? So when did these organizations decide to become the oppressors?   When did they decide that


Last entry I wrote about energy.  Building on that – today I am going to write about intent. And just what is intent? in·tent [in-tent] –noun 1. something that is intended; purpose; design; intention: The original intent of the committee was to raise funds. 2. the act or fact of intending, as to do something: criminal intent. 3. Law . the state of a person’s mind that directs his or her actions toward a specific object. 4. meaning or significance. Ok,


Today I am going to talk about energy. I believe, and science largely confirms, that EVERYTHING in the universe, from the largest black hole to the smallest electron, is made of energy.  And energy cannot be created nor destroyed – it always IS, always will be, it just moves in and out of form, between the visible and the invisible, constantly moving, constantly shifting, both in synch with and apart from everything.  When Yoda stated that “luminous beings are we

No complaints!

The original topic planned for this space has been postponed.  Today I present you with a new and different topic instead. We all know that we live in an imperfect world.  VERY few people have EVERYTHING they want, and from there few people know how to GET what they want in a proactive/productive manner.  So what do we do when things don’t go as we’d most desire?  We complain. Complaining is EASY.  It takes little to no effort to examine