Another open letter to the US Congress

Dear Congress, Congratulations on failing us again.  The American People are coming to thoroughly appreciate just how little you do that serves our needs. I mean, really, why bother to pass a bill that might increase the taxes on those who can afford to pay more taxes?   No, instead, let’s propose another round of cuts.  Cutting funding for various programs we dislike is a great way to raise revenue. Except, wait a minute…it doesn’t.  Last I checked, and I will

Gender Equality

Men and women are equal.  Period. Apart from a difference in specific chromosomes, and a difference of reproductive organs, men and women are equal.  End of story. And yet, even with all the knowledge we have, all the resources available for our education today, there is a movement to deny that equality.  There are laws being passed all across the country (not to mention the rest of the world) that deny women the equality they not only deserve, but are

Pathwalking 15

It’s a trap! A lot of people believe that this entire concept – consciousness creating reality, the law of attraction, the power of positive thinking, etcetera – is nothing more than hooky-spooky, crunchy hippy, new-agey bullshit.  They think life happens, you cannot direct it, control it, you can only do your part, do your job, and get on with it.  All this feel-good reality creationism is ludicrous drivel. This is the easiest trap to fall into.  Especially when you are

Pathwalking 14

Over the past several weeks I have explored many of the aspects that go into my Pathwalking concept.  This week, let’s take a more in-depth look at a single, necessary aspect in successful pathwalking:  Accountability. More than once, in writing entries on topical rants in this blog, I have touched on this topic.  It is my belief that the single greatest problem in the world today comes down to accountability.  No one seems to care if they take responsibility for

A REALLY Radical idea – Breaking up the Union

I’ll just put this out here.  It may be time for the union to split.  It may be time for secession of states/regions from the union. These fifty, majorly diverse, geographically wide-spread states clearly no longer function well under a single banner.  So maybe it is time to give serious thought to splitting the union, and starting fresh. Yes, I am suggesting that the United States of American split up. The central government and its bureaucracy are failing us further

Pathwalking 13

Distractions are everywhere. All sorts of things can distract you from your path.  Some of these are good things – family, friends, fun activities…and some are less so – work, bills, anger, frustration. Accepting and balancing the distractions while remaining on the path can be really hard to do. I often suffer from something I refer to as ADOS – Attention Deficit “Ooooooooooooooooooooh, SHINY!” disorder (NOT my phrase, by the way – I have borrowed it from a friend or

Pathwalking 12

I have long said that there are three ways to exist in this life. The first is to let life live YOU.  You go about your day-to-day business, let the pattern carry you along, let life happen to you.  No real control, you just go with what happens.  This is REALLY easy – but not tremendously rewarding. The second is to curl up in a ball, and wait to die.  This is not just a literal thing – I believe

Why Eroding the Separation of Church and State DOES NOT WORK

Eroding the separation of church and state does NOT improve our ‘moral’ standing as a nation – it degrades it, as it degrades those whom are being repressed by these intolerant and oppressive ideas. I touched on this previously – and I think it is worth looking more closely at. I have stated this before, but it needs to be restated:  Religion, morality and spirituality are three separate tenets.  YES, I will not deny that religion as an institution is

Pathwalking 11

When we are feeling defeated, and we can no longer conceive of the path, or find it at all – how do we let it go? As I mentioned in last week’s post, the first step is to acknowledge and accept this limitation.  We are imperfect beings, and as such we are going to falter, we will lose the path completely.  This is not a weakness – it is a part of our nature.  So we have to accept the

Religion and politics again

Religion does not belong in politics. Period. This has nothing to do with ethics or spirituality – which are different and separate concepts.  It has to do with this obscene, horridly inappropriate push going on all across the nation to infuse religion to political issues. We are not a Christian nation.  Period.  We are not a Muslim nation.  Or a Jewish state.  Or a Hindi nation.  Or Buddhist nation.  We are NONE of these…and at least partially all of them,