Pathwalking 67

If Pathwalking is about choosing a direction and walking a path, what do you do when there are multiple goals you seek? I have been perplexed by this very question pretty much all of my adult life.  And when I was younger, this actually tripped me up frequently.  I wanted to do and be different things that were not necessarily congruent with one another, which made my choices even harder. For a long time, I was an expert at explaining

Pathwalking 66

Is there anyone who does not want freedom in their lives? Don’t we all want to be free?  Free to do what we want, free to live how we want, free to explore this world and love and laugh and find peace and happiness?  Doesn’t nearly everything we choose have to do with having freedom? Pathwalking is an expression of freedom.  Freedom of choice, freedom from oppression and a dull, pointless existence – freedom is part of why I want

Pathwalking 65

“The Warrior of the Light does not always have faith.  There are moments when he believes in absolutely nothing. And he asks his heart: ‘Is all this effort really worth it?’  But his heart remains silent, and the Warrior has to decide for himself.”  – Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light. I have been Pathwalking on and off for years, really.  I began to formulate what this notion was in earnest last year, and am constantly developing my approach to

Words of Encouragement for EVERYONE

You are pretty amazing. It doesn’t matter what anyone else tells you – you are pretty amazing! You know that thing you do, that only you can do so well – keep doing it! I don’t know you.  And with some exceptions, you probably don’t know me, either.  But that doesn’t make this statement any less true.  You are pretty amazing. We all need words of encouragement along the way.  Everybody has bad days.  Everyone gets brought down because of

Pathwalking 64

The past two posts have been discussing the topic of failure.  This week, I want to take an in-depth look at the most important aspect of handling failure – how to let it go, learn from it, and continue along the path. As we have discussed prior – failure is NOT a bad thing.  Failure is a lesson either great or small that causes us to alter our path. Some of the greatest achievements in history have come about due

Our society and attitudes about rape

Rapists are never the victim. Shame on anyone who believes otherwise.  Anyone who committed an act of rape and was found guilty is a criminal.  Period. Rape has very little to do with sex.  Rape is about power.  Dominance.  Aggression. Anyone who is a victim of rape should receive care, should receive sympathy and assistance.  They should not receive scorn, derision, or shaming. I am astounded that our society today leans towards explaining away a terrible crime, focusing on a

21st Century Civil Rights – Taking a Stand

I am taking a stand for equal rights for homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered, – everyone, really. The topic of rights for the non-hetero population of the world has come up again and again.  Whether the topic is adoption, marriage, or general discrimination issues, this is the civil rights movement of the 21st century. In the interest of full disclosure – I am a never married, heterosexual male.  In college I majored in theatre, so of course I was privy to pretty much

Pathwalking 63

Let’s take a closer look at accepting that failure will happen. We all receive so many messages expressing how negative failure is, how horrid it can be, that we cannot come to accept failure can happen. But it will.  Plain and simple.  Harsh though this statement is, it is unavoidable – you will fail.  I will fail.  In some way, failure will happen. It might be grand, it might be miniscule, but whenever you set out to do something, there

Pathwalking 62

Let’s touch on an unpleasant topic – failure. No matter how clear a path might be, no matter how much effort I might put out, how perfect my focus might be…it is still possible to fail. Some people fear failure above everything else.  Failure is the ultimate unpleasantness, some people feel.  Failure is viewed as the absolute testament of a lack of worth. Failure is not an option has been a bold statement made by many along the way.  And

Pathwalking 61

Thus far, in exploring the “six core human necessities”, we have examined the needs for  certainty, uncertainty, significance, growth, and contribution. These core human needs, as mentioned prior, are borrowed from Tony Robbins, but all tie into Pathwalking rather well.  So far, we have taken a look at those that are almost entirely from within.  Now, I want to examine the one that must ALSO be about the world outside of us.  I am talking about, of course, love and