Positivity: Inspiration

Inspiration comes in many forms. Different things inspire different people, of course.  People can find inspiration in any of the five senses.  The taste of chocolate.  A piece of music.  The smell of fresh brewed coffee.  Sunlight in your eyes.  The feel of silk beneath your hands.  That sense of comfort and love from those closest to you.  Any of these alone or in combination can spark the imagination and inspire great things. Inspiration has been personified throughout history.  The

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Other people do not determine your worth.  You do. The old adage is true – you cannot please everyone all the time.  You are going to do things that are going to upset and alienate and maybe even infuriate other people.  It cannot be helped – this is just a part of human nature. Choosing your own life and walking your own path is going to have pitfalls and perils, ups and downs and so on.  People will not understand

Positivity: Starting Over

You can always start again. The rest of the animal kingdom has it much simpler than we do.  They look for food, they look for shelter, they seek a mate or mates to pass on their genetic material.  For them, life is a matter of course.  Whether a domesticated or a wild animal, their needs and wants are relatively simple, and easy to fill as such. Humans are a lot more complex.  We have a much wider variety of needs

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Sometimes The Universe just kicks you in the teeth. There are times when no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you struggle, no matter all the good you do and all the positivity you generate, you do not win. We have all been disappointed when our expectations were crushed.  I don’t know anybody who has not experienced this.  That time you got sick when you were supposed to take a great trip or that date that did

Positivity: Respect

Everybody deserves respect. I believe that many of the conflicts across the globe are the result of a lack of respect.  The rich do not respect the poor and vice versa.  The religious do not respect the atheists and vice versa.  The conservatives do not respect the liberals and vice versa.  I could go on and on, but no doubt you can see how easy it is for us to disrespect our differences. We all deserve to be respected, despite

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Are you true to yourself? Do you treat yourself in the same manner you wish to be treated by others?  Do you respect yourself?  Do you hold yourself in high esteem?  Do you like yourself?  Do you love yourself? It never ceases to amaze me how little we ask these questions of ourselves.  We are so keen to learn how those around us are doing, how our friends and family are feeling, how our coworkers are handling stress – we

Positivity: You Are Not Alone

You are not alone. No matter how lonely, no matter how isolated, no matter how detached you may feel, you are not alone.  It does not matter how unique you are, it is not important how much differently you think from those around you – you are not alone. No one else is here, you might be thinking.  There is no one else inside my head.  No one is beside me.  I am alone in this life.  This is simply

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Jealousy is a useless emotion. Our emotions serve numerous purposes.  They let us feel beyond intellect, beyond the most basic knowledge into a far broader world.  Our wide gamut of emotions is part of what makes each of us so unique. Most emotions serve a purpose.  They let us know if we are in a positive or negative mindset.  They let us express ourselves beyond words, facial expressions, and any other physical gestures.  Emotions cover a vast array of topics,

Positivity: Creativity

We have an amazing power in creativity. Our unique ability to make our world, to build, to invent, to evolve, to start from a raw idea and conjure an amazing construct is incredible.  While we have observed other creatures on this world capable of building and using tools, none has show the skills we have to imagine and create wonders. We take so many aspects of our world for granted.  From the smallest things like running water and electricity for

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No matter how many answers you come up with, there are always more questions. This, however, is a very good thing. Life is constantly changing.  There are always new things to discover, to learn, to experience.  Even when day after day is largely similar, there are always going to be moments where there is new and different and unique. Thus there are always questions.  Even when you find answers to your questions, you still get more questions.  I am going