Hello Resistance, How Are You Today and What Do You Want?

The inaction is strong with this one. Or is it? Do you ever feel like you’re not doing enough? Maybe you have these bouts of work that last for a while here, a time there, but then, even if you’ve gotten a ton of stuff done, you still question what you’ve not done? Studies I’ve read (but am not looking up to cite here) have shown that most people who “work” an 8-hour day only work maybe 2-4 hours, in

How Do You Respond to Upsetting, Annoying, and Disappointing Things That Happen?

Not the initial, visceral response, but what you do next. I’m about to publish my first new book in 2 years. This is super exciting because this book is the conclusion to the series I’ve been working on since 2015. Saturday morning, before departing for an all-day event 2 hours away, I checked my email. The eBook variation – available for pre-order – had been canceled. WTAF? They claim I didn’t upload the final file in time. But I’m completely

How Come Mindset Matters With Everything You Choose To Do?

Mindset gives choices direction and intent. But not choosing is also a choice. Do you vote? Or are you one of those people who believes that your vote doesn’t count, so why bother? Voting or not voting is a choice. Choose to vote – even when your choices are between different stripes of asshole – and you are doing the minimal action available to you to impact the world at large. Choose not to vote, and you’re choosing to let

How Do We See More Clearly That It’s Not a Race?

The human race is not, in fact, a race at all. Nearly every message you receive, no matter the source, is a constant reminder that you need to go go go. Keep going. Always doing. Rest is for the wicked. You can sleep when you’re dead. And so on. The idea of the “rat race” created this notion, long ago, that life is a constant race. Being first. As such, gets a whole lot of emphasis and is given importance.

Does Everyone Experience Overwhelm From Time to Time?

If they’re a human being, then yes. What comes next is a choice. Human beings were not designed to have overwhelm be our default. But here we are. It should come as no surprise to anyone. Between billboards, TV, radio, social media, email, the internet, smartphones, and various other media we encounter daily, we’re frequently, utterly inundated. Odds are, you’re reading this on a phone, tablet, or PC. All of these are devices that were created to better connect us.

Can A Negative Experience Be Used for Positivity?

Life is a matter of balance and choices. For every extreme, there’s an opposite extreme. Up and down. Small and large. Left and right. Black and white. Tall and short. Good and evil. Positive and negative. Often, these extremes are personified as opposite sides of a coin. The problem with this is that coins are flat, and most things exist not at either extreme end, but somewhere between them. Take black and white, for example. Between these extremes is every

How Deep Does Your Subconscious Mind Go?

The depths of the subconscious mind are nearly unfathomable. Every human being is of 3 minds. The unconscious mind is not in our control in any way, shape, or form. It is via the unconscious mind that your heart beats, neurons fire, internal organs do their thing, and so on. While breathing is part of this, your control of it is through a conscious act (and for some, the ability to speed up and slow down their hearts). The conscious

Why Are Intentions and Feelings Frequently Misaligned?

No matter your intentions, you have zero control over anyone’s feelings but your own. Lots of people approach things with good intentions. But what does that mean? It means that you might say or do something that’s not intended to be hurtful, mean, offensive, or otherwise upsetting. You have good or neutral – not bad – intentions. How come, even when your intentions are neutral or good, you still cause hurt to someone? Because you can control the feelings of

What If The Meaning Of Life Is The Simplest Thing Ever?

What if it’s staring us all right in the face? The quest to find the meaning of life has occupied the human mind for most of recorded history. Why are we here? What are we doing? What’s the answer to the question of life, the Universe, and Everything? (That one we know – it’s 42). It’s easy to argue that philosophy, religion, and science are all on the exact same quest – to discover the meaning of life. Each has

Do We Really Need Positivity to Live Our Best Lives?

Genuine, non-toxic positivity is essential for everyone. Toxic positivity is all over the place. Tons of messages about the power of positive thinking, the Law of Attraction, manifestation, happiness, and living our best lives all reduce down to positivity. Toxic positivity both blatantly and subtly tells you all negative thoughts and feelings are bad and must be avoided, ignored, disregarded, and not allowed to take root. This is a lie. Why? Because nobody – and I mean nobody – lives

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