Pathwalking 138

There is some scary stuff happening in the world around us right now. In the United States we have this surreal situation in Missouri. I had really thought we left the hatred and fear and racism of the 1960’s back in the 20th century, but we seem to have all of that back again here and now. In the Ukraine we have separatists who are likely backed by the Russians stirring up nationalistic troubles. The Israelis and Palestinians of the

Positivity: Support

I understand your struggle, and I support your efforts to make your life what you want it to be. It is amazing how good knowing you are supported can make you feel. When you are doing pretty much anything with your life, great or small, there is nothing quite like receiving support. Sometimes it is just a matter of someone saying they understand. Sometimes its an offer of help and encouragement. Sometimes it involves nothing more than emotional support, sometimes

Pathwalking 137

Some of the brightest, the funniest, the wisest of us suffer depression. Unlike many diseases, depression is utterly silent. It is probably the most internalized disorder you can possibly imagine, and it can take a terrible toll and extract a terrible price on its sufferers. I know this struggle intimately. I have spent most of my life fighting depression. I am not ashamed of this fact, but I do not feel the need to advertise it to the world. But

Positivity: Home

There really is no place like home. It is amazing how good it feels to return to the place where you have your stuff. Not just your stuff, but your base of operations. It is your sanctuary, your refuge, your castle, your domain, you inner sanctum. Home. It does not matter what form it takes, nearly everyone has some place that they can call home. For some, home is not a literal place. It is a time, a person, an

Pathwalking 136

We all need to take a break. I am walking my path on a regular basis, but once in a while there just needs to be a break. More than a break, however, I need to withdraw. This can come in a number of forms. I might take the time to meditate, I might read a book, I might work on some other project that makes me happy. I could go on a hike or hit the gym or attend

Positivity: Escape

Everyone needs to escape from the everyday now and then. We all need escapes. We all need to get away. This takes different forms for different people, and can be achieved through means both great and small. Escapes can be both short and lengthy, but they can be a very positive thing to make use of. I don’t know anyone who does not need to take a “time out” once in a while. Whether they are stopping to meditate for

Pathwalking 135

I am not one who takes any sort of pleasure in the suffering of others. On the contrary – as an empath, I feel for those who have issues and suffering. I want, in fact, to do whatever I can to help people. This is often a complicated idea. In especial when I am dealing with people I don’t, in fact, know. Yet it is still a part of my nature to do whatever I can to help people see

Positivity: Why?

Why is positivity so important? Simple answer – because like attracts like. We live in a world of negative messages. We are bombarded by bad news, horror stories, and tales of woe. We can hardly turn without someone commenting about how bad this is or how awful that is. When we focus on negativity, we gather more of it to us. We attract negativity, and we find ourselves inundated with it. Read the news online, watch any news program, and

Pathwalking 134

Do you sometimes wonder if I actually practice what I “preach”? I will not deny to you that there are days where I get caught up in everything I write about here. I get stuck in my routine, I allow myself unnecessary and sometimes even harmful distractions. I stand upon a path and spin about, unsure about moving forward or going backwards. Sometimes I wonder if this really is doable, or if I am just a liar? Last week I

Positivity: Manifestation

It is possible to manifest anything you need in life. Many people believe, because society believes, that manifesting the life you most desire is fantasy. Hookey-spookey BS. Delusional. The pipe dream of the hippy-crunchy-granola new agey types. It is, however, possible. Manifestation is not a simple process. It requires energy, it requires action. To manifest anything you want, you need to believe that it is possible. You cannot doubt that it will be, you have to make it real. You