Very Few Choices Are Written in Stone and Can’t be Made Anew

Recognizing and acknowledging this is very empowering. I have long believed that there are three ways to live life. Let life live you. Mostly live by rote, routine, and habit. Let what happens happen. Overall, you just accept what’s given, that things are a certain way, and you make only a few active, mindful choices for the direction of your life. Overall, however, you just roll with what happens around you. Curl up in a ball and await death. While

Finding the Positivity In the Holidays

For all the good, many get overwhelmed by the not-so-good. For some, this is the best time of year. Starting with Halloween, then moving on to Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and then New Year’s Eve/Day, this is their favorite time of the year. However, that’s not so for everyone. Many people find this time of the year frustrating, a reminder of pain – whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or all the above – and many other negatives. Also, the utter bombardment

Do You Know That You Are Capable of Truly Amazing Things?

Don’t sell yourself short. One of my favorite lines from the original Star Wars, though Han Solo said it at the time in extreme arrogance, in another context resonates with me. “Sometimes I even amaze myself.” Here’s the thing. Do you have even the slightest inkling of what you’re capable of? Beneath your conscious mind, but not entirely connected to your subconscious mind, you have truly incredible capabilities.   For some, this manifests in obvious ways. Such people are empaths,

Is There Anything You Can Do About That?

The answer can change your life in multiple ways. The world is at your fingertips. Whatever device you’re using to read these words gives you access to news and information, 24/7, worldwide. On the one hand, this is incredible. Only in the last two or three decades have we had the power to learn and know anything at all about any topic whatsoever. You name it, you can learn something about it. On the other hand, this is terrible. There

Mindfulness Isn’t Just About the Mind

The whole body is impacted by active conscious awareness practice. Given that it’s right there in the name – mindfulness – it’s easy to presume this is all about the mind. While that’s mostly true, it’s only a portion of the truth. Everything begins with thought. Thought happens on three levels – unconscious, subconscious, and conscious. The unconscious is how you breathe automatically, digest, blink, and fire the neurons that move the muscles to lift your arm into the air

Why Do I Feel This Way?

Short answer – because life is a crazy, unpredictable ride. For the record, depression sucks. Most of the time I keep the black dog at bay. I do my mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, fencing, take my meds, talk to my therapist, and other self-care actions regularly. Yet, I’m only human. Sometimes thinky-thoughts make me feel sad, rainy grey skies feel oppressive, and depression sits on my chest like my cat, but without the calming purr. Depression can be clinical, seasonal,

Why Be Mindful of Everything You Consume?

No matter what it is – food, media, entertainment, drugs – you have ultimate control. Consumption isn’t only about food and drink. It’s also about what you watch, read, listen to, see, and take in. Ours is the ultimate consumer society. Never before in the history of the human race have the majority been able to consume anything and everything. Overall, people can connect, communicate, learn, and consume vast amounts of anything you can conceive of, tangible or intangible. Yes,

Why Is It So Hard to Just Be Yourself?

Nobody is at fault or to blame, but neither does anyone tend to teach you this. Two of the most distressing things that dominate our society are the expectations of others and the “shoulds.” Early in our lives, before we’re even scientifically capable of self-awareness, our parents and other family members guide us. Eventually it moves from guidance to direction. Instilling good habits in the young is very useful throughout life. Brush your teeth twice a day, fasten your seatbelt

Can You Have Guides Along Your Paths in Life?

Yes, but recognize the difference between guidance, obedience, and blind faith. I frequently point out that you, and you alone, live in your head, heart, and soul. Nobody else is in there, it’s only you. Hence, you’re the only one who can think, feel, intend, and act for you. All choices for your life belong to you alone. Nobody else can live your life for you. Neither can anyone else control you unless you cede any form of control to

Why is Real Positivity About A Choice of Approach?

Positivity is a choice that combines thought, feeling, intent, and action. There is no telling what life will hand you today. No matter what you plan or prepare for, shit happens. People disappoint you, expectations aren’t met, and life will throw you curve balls out of nowhere. One day you might think, hey, it’s only a quarter mile to the post office, and the weather doesn’t suck. I should walk rather than drive. A great idea, until you wake up

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