Coming soon: Finder – The Source Chronicles Book II

A year ago I decided that I had waited long enough; it was time to publish my fantasy series. Seeker – The Source Chronicles Book I was begun in 1998. After several reworks and a professional editor, I tried to find representation for many many years. Welcome to the 21st century. I determined it was time to self-publish. Thus I created Argent Hedgehog Press, and I formatted the book and Seeker was released into the wild. The Source Chronicles began

Coming soon: Finder – The Source Chronicles Book II

A year ago I decided that I had waited long enough; it was time to publish my fantasy series. Seeker – The Source Chronicles Book I was begun in 1998. After several reworks and a professional editor, I tried to find representation for many many years. Welcome to the 21st century. I determined it was time to self-publish. Thus I created Argent Hedgehog Press, and I formatted the book and Seeker was released into the wild. The Source Chronicles began

Pathwalking 199

Catharsis is important to being able to walk a chosen path. It never ceases to amaze me how easily emotional baggage accumulates. No matter how much we think we are purging as we go, we still manage to hold on to outdated materials. What’s more, often you don’t even realize you are still holding onto things that you are, and they are still effecting current actions. I don’t know what it is about human nature that we generally cling to

Pathwalking 199

Catharsis is important to being able to walk a chosen path. It never ceases to amaze me how easily emotional baggage accumulates. No matter how much we think we are purging as we go, we still manage to hold on to outdated materials. What’s more, often you don’t even realize you are still holding onto things that you are, and they are still effecting current actions. I don’t know what it is about human nature that we generally cling to

Positivity: Autumn

The beauty of nature is particularly poignant in autumn. Living in the Northeastern US, I get to see a dramatic changing of the season. The leaves turn the most amazing shades of gold and red and orange, and the foliage is impressive during this time of the year. Unfortunately, for many, this marks the beginning of a less pleasant season. Fall leads to winter, and winter for a lot of us does not lend itself to feeling happy. The cold,

Pathwalking 198

It is of the utmost importance that we be aware of how and what we communicate to people. Whether we are talking about indirect forms, direct talk or body language, communication can make a tremendous difference in how we feel, and as such how we are directing our lives. We are currently living in a society positively obsessed with communication. The amazing thing about that, though, is how impersonal and thoughtless this idea has become. I know that historically this

Positivity: Change the Scenery

Sometimes you need a change of scenery. This can be a small process, or it can be rather immense, depending on the time and situation. A change of scenery, however slight, can go a long ways towards building Positivity. This can be a simple thing. Clean off your desk, rearrange your furniture, change out your décor, look at some digital images you have on your computer or phone or on the internet, reposition and move about the small things around

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Hindsight is not always twenty-twenty. We often look to the past, look to what has come before, and we think we see it in perfect clarity, now, after all that has occurred. But in truth, more often than we probably realize, hindsight gets colored by nostalgia, by wistfulness, by a sense that it was oh-so-good and can’t ever be that good again, but it really should be. The past is past. Period. What was is done, gone, and no more.

Positivity: Choose Wisely

You can choose to contribute to the positive or the negative on the internet. How come we spend so much mental, physical and emotional energy on negativity? What is it about tragedy, horror, loss, terror and other upsetting things that we give them so much attention? Somewhere along the way our society became obsessed with the idea of undoing a thing once its been done. We put our attention into removing, eliminating and stopping the negative things after they have

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Energy is the root of everything. Everything you can see, touch and experience begins with energy. That is what we are at our ultimate core; this is what everything in the universe begins with. Because of this fact, energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form. Some forms are visible, some are not. Energy can be transmuted and manipulated to achieve different things at various times, but is always present. Science explains the universe in this manner.