Pathwalking 225

Why do I feel so stuck?  Why does it feel for every step forward I am taking two steps back?  Why is it for every perceived win I have two losses?  Why do I feel like I cannot manifest what I want to? The short answer is Anger. I have a lot of anger within me.  As I have become more adept at meditation I am getting better at digging into my inner psyche, and what I am seeing is

Positivity: Optimism

Optimism is a good thing. I recently read a blog post by another author for whom I have a great deal of respect, and he was exploring how we have allowed pessimism and fatalism overcome reason. Like attracts like.  If we want to be pessimistic about the future and all that it holds for us, likely this is what we are going to create for ourselves.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a bleak, dismal and unfortunate

My next novel

I am in the process of editing my next full-length novel. This is a follow up to the 2nd short story I wrote that was published in the anthology Spells and Swashbucklers.  The Vapor Rogues is my Steampunk/Fantasy story, for which I built a really detailed world. The world I created was so rich that I felt the need to expand upon it.  As such, I have completed a first novel for a Steampunk series.  Clouds of Authority – A

Pathwalking 224

I am not a fraud. Why am I stating this?  Because I am sitting here in front of my computer, and struggling.  What am I supposed to be writing about this week?  What words of wisdom should I be sharing?   Why do I feel like I am a big fat liar? For over four years I have been writing about this notion of walking my own path and finding my own way in the universe.  For over four years I

Positivity: Possessions

While it is nice to have things, the reason for the having is far more important. The things we have, the possessions we own can be a source of good in many respects.  And there will always be things we need versus things that we desire.  Things can be a source of positivity, but it is not the thing itself that has that power. The material things we have generally fall into three categories.  Things we need, like food, clothing,

Pathwalking 223

There are a lot of different things on my mind, and it is causing me to lack in focus. Some are pretty big picture, way out of my personal control matters.  Some are very much in the here-and-now.  And some are dreams, desires and destinations I want to reach. Everybody gets caught up in this.  We all have personal matters, professional matters, and worldly concerns.  As I analyze this, I am beginning to think that we often allow the things

Pathwalking 223

There are a lot of different things on my mind, and it is causing me to lack in focus. Some are pretty big picture, way out of my personal control matters.  Some are very much in the here-and-now.  And some are dreams, desires and destinations I want to reach. Everybody gets caught up in this.  We all have personal matters, professional matters, and worldly concerns.  As I analyze this, I am beginning to think that we often allow the things

Positivity: Kindness

A little kindness could change the whole world. With all the animosity, racism, sexism and outright hatred being shouted so loudly of late, we each need to do our part to show more kindness.  This could change everything. I think it’s safe to say that we all want to live decent, comfortable, happy lives.  I don’t know anyone who wants to struggle, or to be in a constant state of fear, or to be miserable.   I think that some people

Pathwalking 222

It is important to leave the past in the past. As much as I am never one to hold a grudge, I do still hold onto many things from my past.  And unfortunately, not in a good way. We always can learn from the past.  The key, however, is to not take it with you into the present and on to the future. Let me explain in more detail. When I went to college I began with zero direction.  I

Positivity: Tears

Tears, you may not realize, are a surprising tool for positivity. Whether tears are being shed in happiness or in joy, or in sorrow and sadness, they are still a tool for Positivity.  Because tears cleanse. When you are so filled with joy that you could burst and you begin to cry, it is an experience of ultimate release.  So powerful that you are overwhelmed, and so moved. When you are sorrowful or sad and you begin to cry, it