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Everybody has comfort zones. We all have places where we feel most comfortable.  Some are literal, some are figurative.  Each of us have places where we can go to feel comfort, to feel calm, to just be without overtaxing ourselves. The problem with comfort zones is that sometimes they can be very hard to break out of. One of the things about Pathwalking is that it is my way of choosing my own destiny, going my own way as makes

Positivity: Actions

Every week I conclude with this: Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action. Action can take on a number of different meanings in this context.  It may not be any kind of physical act, it may be an active change in thought or an active change in feelings. When I am feeling particularly down, or anxious, or uncertain, I find that I can’t just hope for the best and await something to provide me a mood changer.  I

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Just be. Two simple words that convey far more power and meaning than we realize.  Two words to sum up our very existence. Our culture feels equally obsessed with the past and the future.  Frequently we are inundated with messages about how we need to go back, return to what we were, restore something how it used to be.  On the other side of the coin we frequently are deluged with the messages about how we need to go forward,

Available Now: Clouds of Authority – A Vapor Rogues Novel

I am absolutely delighted to announce that my Steampunk novel is available for purchase! Clouds of Authority – A Vapor Rogues Novel can be acquired for your Kindle or in paperback. I am really excited about this series.  While it is primarily Steampunk, I have also worked in elements of sci-fi, Cyberpunk and even fantasy. This weekend I will be attending the Steampunk Worlds Fair.  On Sunday , May 15, I will be reading a selection from the novel at

Positivity: Not Holding Yourself Back

The only thing that holds most of us back is ourselves. We live in a world that is so full of possibility, opportunity and potential that it’s rather staggering.  Yet we often believe that the world is actually full of lack, or limitations and impossibility. I am not writing about pie-in-the-sky, rose-colored glasses optimism, I am writing about reasonable, fully accessible options we often overlook or disregard or simply don’t completely see. I have been writing for most of my

Coming Soon: My new Steampunk novel, Clouds of Authority

I am very excited about my newest book! The first novel of my Steampunk series, called The Vapor Rogues, will be coming out in the next few days.  I am particularly excited about this series, because it is, I believe, a rather unique entity. Back in 2012 I was given my second opportunity to have a short story published.  Like the first that was published in the anthology Rum and Runestones, the topic was pirates and magic.  Since I was

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Pathwalking is in no way a selfish act. Yes, I am working on living a life of my own choosing.  But I am not doing anything that is selfish in the process.  In fact, I believe that in working to choose and walk my own paths, I am a better listener, friend and confidant. How can you be doing more for yourself but still suggest you do more for others? None of this is about quantity.  On the contrary, this

Positivity: Laughter

Laughter is the best medicine. It may be and old adage, it may be cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less true.  Laughter is a fantastically powerful vehicle to positivity. It is nearly impossible to feel bad when you are laughing.  Not entirely impossible, no, but nearly impossible.  Laughter is a release akin to tears, but much more frequently a positive one.  Something evoked a powerful response, and it made you laugh. Might be a joke.  Maybe someone had

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Pathwalking is not the One True Way. Simple as that.  This my personal philosophy for working on doing as I would wish to do to live the life I want to live.  This is my method for being in control of the things within my control. I have in my four plus decades on this planet learned a lot of things.  I have experienced quite a bit, too.  I have seen, heard, read and otherwise gotten involved in many adventures,

Positivity: Positivity in the Everyday

Some days the most positive thing is having the day before you. We all have days when we wake up from a poor night’s sleep, or we have that thing on our mind, or we have residual issues from the day before we know we cannot simply leave behind.  That does not negate the positivity of simply being alive. I believe that we all frequently overlook the positivity in the simplest things in life.  Things we just take for granted