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I have recently realized that there is tremendous importance in addressing and altering old, outdated, underlying beliefs. Pathwalking addresses the idea of taking control of my own life and my own destiny, and choosing and walking my own unique path.  One of the key things I return to in this process is that consciousness creates reality.  It is possible to manifest an amazing life, if I take the time to think, feel, and take inspired action to make it happen.

Positivity: Living in the Now

Living in the now can be as positive an experience as you make it. Living in the now allows us to only be focused on our immediate needs, our immediate surroundings, and ourselves.  Living in the now lets us ultimately focus on pretty much anything and everything we want to. What’s the difference?  When you live in the past you can really easily get caught up in all the “what ifs”.  What if I had done ‘x’?  What if I

Positivity: Living in the Now

Living in the now can be as positive an experience as you make it. Living in the now allows us to only be focused on our immediate needs, our immediate surroundings, and ourselves.  Living in the now lets us ultimately focus on pretty much anything and everything we want to. What’s the difference?  When you live in the past you can really easily get caught up in all the “what ifs”.  What if I had done ‘x’?  What if I

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While it is usually best to do things in moderation, sometimes extremes are called for. When your energy is stagnant, and you need to redirect the flow, this can call for an extreme action in order to set everything in motion. For example: I have put on some unwanted weight.  I have been working to take it off, but the process is moving very, very slowly, and I need to give it a jumpstart, I believe. So, in addition to

Positivity: Small Doses of Positivity

Sometimes you have to take Positivity in small doses. We all go through things where we find ourselves feeling displeased, unhappy, frustrated, sad even.  There are lots of times where we would love to uncover and experience some positivity, but DAMN is it hard to come by! What do you do? You have to take into account the little things.  Moments in time that may, when they occur, feel somewhat insignificant, but in truth they can carry a tremendous amount

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Just breathe. It is not cliché.  Sometimes the best thing you can do is to just breathe. I have been feeling off for a few days now.  I have gotten a lot of things done, and I haven’t had anything bad happen, I have just not felt quite right.  I have felt off.  My energy has been low, and my spirits too. We all have bad days.  We all have times when we are off, and while we can seek

Positivity: Blank Canvas

I am a blank canvas. Often this is where I can develop some of my best creativity.  I have nothing in particular in mind, and before I know it I have something I didn’t have before. Today, though, my blank canvas is remaining blank.  Nothing has been coming to mind. I am feeling positive overall. That’s great, I am happy that for the most part I am feeling well, but I have had no idea what I should write about

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Everybody has comfort zones. We all have places where we feel most comfortable.  Some are literal, some are figurative.  Each of us have places where we can go to feel comfort, to feel calm, to just be without overtaxing ourselves. The problem with comfort zones is that sometimes they can be very hard to break out of. One of the things about Pathwalking is that it is my way of choosing my own destiny, going my own way as makes

Positivity: Actions

Every week I conclude with this: Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action. Action can take on a number of different meanings in this context.  It may not be any kind of physical act, it may be an active change in thought or an active change in feelings. When I am feeling particularly down, or anxious, or uncertain, I find that I can’t just hope for the best and await something to provide me a mood changer.  I

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Just be. Two simple words that convey far more power and meaning than we realize.  Two words to sum up our very existence. Our culture feels equally obsessed with the past and the future.  Frequently we are inundated with messages about how we need to go back, return to what we were, restore something how it used to be.  On the other side of the coin we frequently are deluged with the messages about how we need to go forward,