The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Thoughts on opposition

Do you know what happens if we stand against one another, in opposition?  Do you know what we accomplish, what we achieve?


That’s right.  Opposing this and standing against that and resisting things gets you a whole lot of nothing.  It gets you nowhere.

Look at the federal government.  Rather than work on a replacement for Obamacare, what do they do?  Oppose it.  And what do they accomplish?  Nothing.

Carl Jung told it simply.  “What you resist, persists.”

What does that mean?  That means that if you fight AGAINST something, if you resist something, if you work in opposition of something, you accomplish NOTHING.  Because the thing you are opposing will persist.

As a society we have become either complacent when it comes to a need for change…or resistant or oppositional.  And, as such, we are at an impasse, and achieving nothing.

This is no longer just unhealthy.  This is becoming dangerous.  This is going to lead us to places we would rather not be.

Unhealthy and dangerous?  How?  Because the inaction this makes means the bad things happening out there get worse.  The immobility will persist, and as such there will be no positive changes, no forward motion, and stagnation.  Or worse, we will accomplish only negative changes, backwards motion, and some pretty ugly issues stemming from that.

We NEED forward motion.  We NEED change.  We NEED inclusiveness.  It will not always be what everyone wants, it will not always be good…but it is a constant.  And we have to stop hiding from that, stop denying that, and accept it.

Once we accept the inevitability of change, we can work harder to direct it.  We can strive together to make change that we WANT.

We need to give this more consideration.  If each of us recognized the inevitability of change, and we then work to deal with it and direct it, we can ALL live in a better world.

This is NOT hippy-dippy-crunchy-granola bullshit – this is a VERY real thing.  We can ALL achieve more, we can ALL be happy if we stop working to OPPOSE change and start working FOR change.

Think about it.  Then pass it on.

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