One Path in Life Always Leads to Another Unique Path
So long as you’re alive – at the end of this path you will have another.

Conscious reality creation is an ongoing action.
Along this line, choosing a path for your life experience is not a singular act. There are multiple paths for our lives – some of which intersect while others run parallel or even perpendicular.
Career paths, relationship paths, creativity paths, recreational paths – all are options and choices before each of us. Some are made more consciously than others.
Even when you don’t consciously choose a path – you’re on one anyhow. Subconsciously, you are moving from here to there – literally or metaphorically.
Consciously or subconsciously, we walk paths all of our lives. And we will continue to do so for as long as we live.
For some people, that’s really daunting. There are people overwhelmed by the idea of having so many choices, options, and decisions to make.
I find this exciting. Why? Because it means there is ALWAYS a new option, new opportunity, and different, unique path to traverse.
To best recognize and work with this – we need to employ mindfulness.
Mindfulness within and without
It’s good to know the world without. That way, you can interact better with other people, and be informed about important matters so that you are protected from disease, weather, horrific politicians, and the like.
But to truly understand and make use of the data we get from the outside – we need to know what is going on within ourselves.
Who, what, where, how, when, and why I am is known – truly known – by me alone. It’s both literal and metaphorical knowledge. To access it and be consciously aware of it takes 3 steps.
- One: Be present here and now.
- Two: Be consciously aware of the input from all 6 of your senses.
- Three: Be consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions
Being consciously aware of your sensory input, thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions – in the present – provides the knowledge of your inner being. This is what opens you to access your mindset/headspace/psyche self.
That mindfulness tells you about you and all within you – which then gives you necessary data points to work with the world without.
Hence, you can see more clearly what paths you are on – whether you’re on them consciously or subconsciously – and where they are taking you.
If they are not paths you desire to be on – mindful conscious awareness is how you can alter and change them.
If the information from the outside world is having too much influence on your life experience – this is how you can recognize that.
All of this takes us to an important truth. No path is set in unchangeable stone.
There is no One True Path in life
What lights you up, makes you happy, excites you, and brings you joy isn’t necessarily going to have a similar effect on me. And vice versa.
Yet we are constantly bombarded and overwhelmed by messages that we must follow a One True Path to ultimately succeed with life, the Universe, and everything.
But this is not true. There are far, far more paths than one alone.
If every individual person on Planet Earth has their unique perception of reality – and I assure you that they do – that means that there are 7.8 BILLION variations on how reality is perceived. This means that there are at least 7.8 BILLION paths to traverse in life.
How many religions are there? Thousands. Is any one of them the One True Path? No.
What’s more, I guarantee that you have taken more than one path in your life – literally and figuratively. For example, I know at least 6 routes – 6 paths – to get from my home to the nearest airport. Further, I have made attempts at multiple figurative life paths, such as relationships and careers.
Ergo, there simply cannot be one and only one path, let alone a One True Path. For anyone. And for everyone.
So long as we are alive, we have choices for paths to take. Thus, if you are on one path now that you chose subconsciously – but desire to consciously choose another – you are empowered to do so.

What happens when I reach the end of my path?
There is always another path to choose. And just because you’ve reached the end of one path, you likely are still on others.
So long as we are alive, we are on various paths. Conscious or subconscious, living is traveling paths. That involves having unique experiences, learning new things, meeting new people, finding and/or creating new things, growing, changing, and everything else that goes into life.
No two life experiences are precisely alike. They might be similar, and super-close – but they are still different and unique.
One path always leads to another. That’s because life is all about finding, choosing, and/or creating paths. Some we walk so slowly that it barely feels like anything moves or changes at all. Others go by so swiftly it feels like we missed them in the process.
This is why achieving a goal is not necessarily the end-all-be-all. Nobody reaches that one goal and then simply stops (okay, almost nobody).
You get married, get hired, start the business, become a bestseller, paint the painting, make your mark, or achieve whatever goal it is that you set out to achieve. And then? Then you enjoy the fruits of your labor – but make new choices.
Once married, there is a life together full of activities and things. When you get hired, now you have work to do. Start the business – make the product or sell the service. The point is that every achievement is followed by something more – another unique path.
Some people find this daunting. But this is why enjoying the path itself can be empowering. Life is only a complicated, miserable thing if that is what you choose.
Where I am going now isn’t where I was going then
Finally – we change. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like this is true – but it always is. Change is the only constant in the Universe.
Hence, what got us going in our youth is likely different than what lights us up in our 20s. Then, the goals we had in our 20s change with experience to new goals we set in our 40s.
When one path ends there is always another to be chosen. But this is what makes life in this day and age so incredible. Despite living in a fear-based society trying to keep us small – we’re empowered to have, do, and be amazing things.
There has never been a time before where so many could be so empowered. But here we are – and all the paths laid out before us represent potential and possibilities that can make our lives incredible.
There are days this feels like a lie. And sometimes the paths we are on don’t look like they will end – or will end poorly if they do.
When we see that one path always leads to another – we are empowered to choose how life will be. Yes, that’s easier for some than for others – but it is still possible for EVERYONE.
So long as you’re alive – at the end of this path you will have another.
What new path did you choose when one you were on ended?
This is the five-hundred and fifteenth exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – using mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.
I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.
The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.
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