The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is Negativity Easier than Positivity?

Negativity only seems easier than positivity because we are absolutely inundated by it.

Don’t believe me?  Look how many of the news articles we read begin with a message that’s negative.  How many politicians focus more on the negatives of their opponents rather than their own positives?  How many people on your social media accounts are complaining about it being Monday?

Everywhere we turn we are bombarded by negative messages.  We are constantly being showered with this is failing or that is bad or a terrible thing you need to know or these people did these awful things and so on and so forth.

Further, it has become more normal to criticize than to praise.  We readily seek to find fault and place blame and to complain about the state of the world.  We are swamped in messages of low frequency, of bad feelings, of fear and anger and worry and distress and on and on and on.

Bad news sells.  Titillating and sensational stories entice, anger, enrage and stir people’s negative emotions.  We get so caught up in day to day minutia, we don’t give it conscious thought until it is too late, and we have taken the negativity in.

How do we combat this?

Each and every one of us has the power to shape our own lives.  Consciousness creates reality.  Because this is true, when we choose to be conscious of how we are feeling, we can change our reality.

This might strike you as being too easy, too cliché, too pie-in-the-sky, too optimistic.  Maybe so, I can concede that…but do you enjoy feeling bad?  Do you like feeling low, feeling annoyed, or angry, or sad, or any other negative way?

I do not know anyone who wants to feel negative.  Yet rather than be aware of how we are truly feeling, we frequently go on with our day, soak up all the negative messages and unconsciously take them on.  We don’t recognize this until it’s too late…and then, if that weren’t enough, we wind up spreading it further by talking about it, lamenting it, gossiping about it, and so on.

We can choose Positivity.

We can choose to focus more on being aware of our thoughts and feeling.  With that awareness we can discover sooner rather than later if we are more positive than negative.  We can choose one of the many options available to us to generate and build Positivity in our lives.

I am not suggesting that we shouldn’t get angry about injustice and intolerance and other issues.  But while we need to be informed, we also need to turn from exploring the negativity and finding positive means to counter it.  You don’t fight fire with fire…which is why you don’t stand up against negativity with negativity.

Negativity is not an easier choice than positivity…but it is a choice.  Which would you prefer?

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.

Knowing that negativity only seems easier than Positivity because we are inundated with it, we can be more aware and combat it.  When we are more aware of our thoughts and feelings, we can change them, and control them, and with change and control we empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings in the collective consciousness.  We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings.  When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.  Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the one hundred eightieth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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