Kindness is a Superpower
How to make use of kindness and save the world.

People are scared. Confused. Distressed. Bored. Uncertain. We are living in a period of confusion where we are watching opportunists do awful things in the name of lining their pockets and disempowering certain groups and individuals – while at the same time seeing heroes risk their lives to help others alongside many practicing incredible care and mindfulness.
The news media loves sensationalism. So they are going to share the images of haters and their guns, the privileged protesting without consequence, and anything else that will rile you up, get you angry, and cause you to watch and seek more information.
I am not telling you to disregard what you are seeing. Those things are out there and you need to be aware of them. What I am suggesting is that you be mindful of what YOU are practicing now.
Kindness is simple. It costs nothing. And it is a tremendous generator of positivity not too unlike gratitude.
When you give kindness, you tend to get kindness. Further, being kind feels as good as receiving a kind act.
Practicing acts of random kindness is a superpower.
What are acts of kindness?
Being kind can take any number of forms, both material and immaterial. Kindness is a practice of consciously giving in a way that holds zero expectation of payment or even reciprocation. It is an act of pure heart and empathy intended to do, create, and be good.
Today, given the incredible uncertainty of the world in which we find ourselves, there are lots of things one can do to be kind. For example:
- Stay home
- Maintain social distancing when you go out
- Wear a mask
- Say “THANK YOU” to anyone who delivers things to you, rings you out at a store, or works in a factory or medicine (or frankly to anyone and everyone you encounter)
- Wash your hands
- Lend a hand to those in need
- Don’t empower the haters
- Spread truth, not propaganda
Why are these acts of kindness? Because they are positive things that you can do to better the world. When you are mindful of the present, being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions impacts you and all around you. Kindness makes that a positive thing.
Resist with kindness and empathy
There are a small number of powerful people out there stirring the pot and playing on fear. They are behind the privileged protesters claiming stay-at-home orders are oppressive. These people are also the ones who want to open up the economy not for the good of you and me – but for themselves.
Unfortunately, rather than a unifying voice leading us in this difficult time, we have The Great Divider. He loves anything that places attention on him from his devoted followers over truth and the greater good. He’s not alone, but until the election this fall, we’re stuck here.
However, you and I are empowered to be leaders. Recognizing this power and spreading it into and through the collective consciousness can save more lives and better us all without taking anything away from anyone. Kindness is the superpower we need.
Don’t ignore the negativity and terrible things and people out there. But stop feeding them. Don’t give them misery and anger and ire. That only makes them stronger. Resist them –not with their ugly weapons of negativity – but with kindness, empathy, and your mindfulness.
Kindness is NOT a weakness. Empathy is NOT something exploitable. They are the ultimate expressions of basic human decency. These are the superpowers of you and me that can be employed to save the world – but to be certain, with less flair than The Avengers in the comics and movies do.

They fear empowerment
Those in power are well aware that their hold on their power is tentative at best. Divide and conquer no longer requires armed forces. All you need to do is create “them” and “us.” Keep emphasizing how the “them” are going to destroy the “us” and watch the fireworks ensue.
Kindness and empathy are bridges across the divide. Being kind to anyone and everyone ignores these artificial divides. When you ignore the divisions, you open up the ability to empower the people.
Did you know that virtually every division is artificial? Even those based on physical attributes are false. Nationality, wealth, skin color, religion, gender, sexual preference, ethnicity – all of these are false divisions.
The chasms created by widening these divisions are exploited by those in power to weaken the masses.
And yet, despite that, for the most part, this pandemic is making us stronger.
The majority of people are practicing acts of kindness towards one another. Maintaining distance, wearing masks, and practicing caution. Those who are not are in the minority.
I will not suggest being unkind to those who will not express kindness and do not recognize the need for such. But I will suggest avoiding them. Isolate them by steering clear of them and letting them shout into the void. Don’t attack them, don’t throw their fear back at them – just stay away from them. Separate yourself from them. Keep away from them – but be kind while turning your back on those people.
Kindness is a superpower. You can use it to make your corner of the world better. When you empower yourself it can easily spread to other people. Be kind, be empathetic, and one corner at a time change the world for the better.
Employing kindness isn’t hard, but it does require action
Knowing that kindness is a superpower, which makes you stronger – as well as those around you – you can use it not just to generate positivity but to change the world for the better. When you practice kindness and empathy it makes you feel good, which in turn makes those around you feel good, all of which ultimately empowers you.
When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that can spread to people around you. It can create a feedback loop of awareness and positivity.
As such, you can build more positive feelings and discover more reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That can be the impetus to improve numerous aspects of your life for the better, generating yet more positivity and gratitude.
Then, that can spread to change the world for the better.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of immense positivity that can generate even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.
This is the three-hundred and twenty-sixth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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