It’s Not a Limited Pie – There’s More Than Enough for Everyone
There are more than enough of the things we desire most.

Everybody wants things.
Some are basic necessities – like food, clothing, and shelter. Others are modern necessities like a mobile phone, wifi connections, transportation, and the like that we could live without – but prefer not to.
And then there are the bigger, better, faster, more desirable things we would like to have – but are not entirely necessary. Newer cars and mobile phones, faster computers, better wardrobes, smaller waistlines, better hair, and the like.
This is where things tend to get convoluted. Why? Because we have been led to believe that there is lack, insufficiency, and not enough.
True, there are some things made in limited quantities to make their value artificially high. Limited edition collectibles and such. And then, some things are artificially withheld or controlled to maintain their value, like diamonds. Further, there are resources that potentially are finite, such as petroleum.
Apart from these things, however, there is no true lack, scarcity, or insufficiency (and all of those things can be replaced with alternatives, of course). There is enough and more than enough of this, that, or the other thing to go around.
When it comes to the intangible and immaterial, they are infinite. They are never scarce, lacking, or insufficient. It is only due to our individual beliefs, values, experiences, prejudices, biases, and such that we think or feel that they’re lacking.
There is more than enough for everyone. How do I know this? Because we live in an abundant Universe.
In other words, the pie isn’t limited to a few slices for a chosen few people. It’s infinite and can feed everyone.
The artifice of lack and scarcity
The vast majority of the lack, scarcity, and insufficiencies of the tangible and material we come to believe are bullshit. They’ve been created artificially by a few “in power” to disempower the masses.
How many politicians use the threat of “the other” taking away what belongs to certain people? How many religious leaders claim those not of their faith will take away all that belongs to the faithful? These play on fear and doubt to disempower the masses and create the artificial lack, scarcity, and insufficiency of both the material and immaterial alike.
Why? Greed, narcissism, and insecurity on the part of the “haves” in attempts to control the uncontrollable. Or put another way – doing whatever they can to control other people.
But we can’t control other people. Period. The only person over which you and I have any control is ourselves.
Still, lack and scarcity are weaponized to disempower and create insecurity. This is a huge part of why we live in a fear-based society.
What’s more – it’s even more false when it comes to the intangible and immaterial.
There’s more than enough
While everybody wants things – what we truly desire, more than things, are intangibles.
We want good feelings, positive emotions, great experiences, contentment, and joy. People desire to be balanced, settled, and comfortable mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – even more than physically.
There are more than enough intangibles in the Universe. They’re infinite, and the pie can be sliced into billions of trillions of large, satisfying pieces. It’s not limited, it doesn’t belong to a chosen few, the gifted, or some unknowable rightfulness – it is more than enough for ALL.
Often, the material gets tied to the immaterial. Sometimes this is benign, while other times it’s blatant and nasty. Watch almost any advertisement for any product and see how they imply the product will make your life better and increase your good thoughts and feelings. Do they hint at it subtly, or hit you over the head with a message of “do this/buy this or you’re a loser”?
For the most part, as I wrote earlier, even the material is not lacking or scarce. Yes, sometimes there are real challenges to acquiring it. But those tend to be wholly artificial.
Take money, for example. All of us would like to have more money. Most of us, I suspect, aren’t seeking to buy yachts and private aircraft – what we seek is comfort, freedom from debt, and the ability to want for nothing and be content.
Money was once backed by something material – gold or silver, for example, and used to be wholly material. Now? Money is backed by governments and promises of its value, belief in its power, and is wholly invented from the void – and equally immaterial. All lack and scarcity of it are artificial.
Like all things intangible, there is more than enough.

Mindfulness empowers us
To recognize the truth of our abundant Universe, we need to be more self-aware.
Simple as that. When we are more consciously aware of ourselves, we become more empowered. We can see the artifices for what they are.
What’s more, conscious awareness through mindfulness puts us more in touch with what we truly desire – emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. That’s how mindfulness empowers us.
The notion of limited slices of pie is false. When we are more in our conscious mind rather than our subconscious or our ego, this becomes more apparent.
To gain conscious awareness, the practice of mindfulness is asking ourselves what we’re thinking, what and how we’re feeling, what intentions we have, and what actions we do or don’t take through this. Conscious awareness of our mindset/headspace/psyche selves.
Simple? Yes. But – in a quick-fix, instant gratification society such as ours, the challenge is that this isn’t one and done. It’s a constant act to be mindful. And it’s all too easy to let our subconscious beliefs and values drive us by rote and routine.
When we pause and take even a few minutes to practice mindfulness, we can see for ourselves the artifice of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency. That clarity can help drive us to act, and make choices and decisions based on logic and reason to disallow fear. That action cuts slices of the infinite pie – and shows us how it’s never running out, no matter what “they” try to tell us.
Where else would “pie in the sky” come from? An infinite universe of more than enough – be it tangible or intangible.
Recognizing there’s more than enough of everything isn’t hard
It’s all about working with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, and intentions to direct our actions.
When we recognize that most lack and scarcity we believe in are artificial, we acknowledge that we have been duped. Knowing that this is an abundant universe, and the immaterial we most desire for our lives is infinite – and there is more than enough pie for everyone – we can make choices and decisions to give ourselves what we desire without fear of running out.
This empowers us – and in turn, our empowerment can empower others around us. That can expand to change the bigger picture matters, too.
Choosing for ourselves employs positivity for realizing amazing potential and possibilities for our lives.
Taking an approach to positivity and negativity – from the vast cylinder that exists between them – shifts matters in a way to open more dialogue. In that form, we can explore and share where we are between the extremes and how that impacts us here and now.
Lastly, the better aware we are of ourselves in the now, the more we can do to choose and decide how our life experiences will be. When that empowers us, it can also open those around us to their own empowerment. And that is, to me, a worthwhile endeavor to explore and share.
Thank you for coming along on this ride with me.
This is the four hundred and fifty-first entry of my Positivity series. I hope that these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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