See Incredible Potential and Possibilities for Life as Much as I Do?
Incredible potential and possibilities are not pie-in-the-sky idealism, but part of an abundance mindset.

I know that life has been extra hard for people since the pandemic hit us.
The world has been forever changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the best efforts of its deniers to pretend that nothing has happened – that’s just not true.
Much of what came out of this experience has been unpleasant and ugly. Some of the very worst has been brought out in certain people, and many of the hidden but dark realities of the American economy and its abuses have come to light – among other things.
Yet, additionally, some of the very best has been brought out in people, too. We’ve seen kindness and compassion on display as people have done their best to help others, as well as wear masks and follow social-distancing mandates for mutual protection.
Still, it’s been all too easy to see lack, scarcity, and insufficiency on many levels. Much of the news and social media has gotten focused on these – almost to the exclusion of all else.
It doesn’t take too close a look, however, to see the artifice in most of the messages of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency. Most of those screaming loudest about this have an abundance of things. So how is the lack they claim anything but a lie?
How you and I see and approach life, the Universe, and everything is a personal choice. We get to choose if we see life as full of improbability and insufficiency or potential and possibilities.
I strive to see life as full of potential and possibilities.
I am not wearing rose-colored glasses
Too many examples of positivity are toxic. They ignore the truth of the existence of negativity and its necessity. People see positivity as overwrought, ludicrous, and Pollyanna.
But that’s not true positivity. Positivity, in its real form, is a choice of attitude and approach. It’s deciding that you seek out potential and possibilities and positives in and for your life experience.
I have plenty of bad days. There are lots of times I get flustered because it feels like I’m struggling. Bad things happen and put me in a lousy mood.
I’m only human, after all. This is common. But I strive to practice mindfulness – and as such, I work to see the world as full of potential and possibilities.
Each of us is but one of 7.8 billion people on Planet Earth. All of us have a unique perception of reality, and individual life experiences. Even with that many people in the world – there is more than enough abundance and positivity to go around.
How very Pollyanna of me, right? Here’s the thing – every single one of us gets to choose our life approach. Our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions can be shifted, altered, changed, and controlled by each of us alone. Thus, how we take on the world is up to each of us individually.
We get to choose if we see the world as full of potential and possibilities – or improbability and insufficiencies. Approach it all as abundant or lacking. That’s regularly up to each of us.
I know that for all the experiences I have had, everything I’ve seen and learned – there is way more potential and possibilities for me.
What are the potentials and possibilities I see?
While on the one hand, it’s a small world – on the other, it’s utterly vast.
I have never crossed an ocean. Sure, I’ve been to 43/50 states and seen multiple parts of Canada and Mexico. But I have not visited another continent – and know that the potential and possibilities for that to inspire me are incredible.
I got my first personal computer in 1985 – an Apple IIe. It had 128k of memory. My iPhone is maybe 1/64th the size of my first computer, but exponentially more powerful. My first car didn’t have adaptive cruise control, a backup camera, or forward collision alert. Only the most skilled professional chefs had immersion circulators for precise cooking 10 years ago.
How can you not wonder at the potential and possibilities for technologies in the future? While for centuries there was nary a change – now it shifts almost too fast to be kept up with.
I read every single morning – fiction and nonfiction. Everything that I read presents a new experience, learning opportunity, and a chance to gain knowledge and understanding I may never have considered before. That’s endless potential and possibilities.
Every new person I meet will be in and out of my life in one way or another. Some will be simply passing by while others will impact me greatly. That’s just incredible when you think about it.
The things I share – fiction and nonfiction alike – can impact other people in positive ways. I have the potential and possibility to be a force for good in the empowerment, inspiration, and imagination of others. Can that be anything but representative of potential and possibilities?
That’s what I see. I don’t know about you – but that excites me and inspires me to no end. That excitement and inspiration are empowering.

Positivity empowers
Excitement and inspiration are tools of positivity. They are great representatives of potential and possibilities, too.
When you approach life, the Universe, and everything from a place of negativity, lack, scarcity, and the like – you disempower yourself. Those downer sensations drain all the energy within us and are disheartening.
Positivity, on the other hand, empowers. Seeing the potential and possibilities and abundance of the Universe – and all it has to offer – raises us up. It makes us feel like there are lots of things good to be found, discovered, and experienced for all.
If you believe that there is not enough of this, that, or the other thing to go around – you feel terrible. It feels as if everything is a struggle and upsetting.
It’s very hard to get over this mindset. And because we live in a fear-based society – the ideas of lack and scarcity dominate the collective consciousness. Because most people choose not to be consciously aware and practice mindfulness – they fall in line with the collective and see the bad way easier than potential and possibilities.
But we are not here to struggle. Humankind is not on this Earth to toil, shrink, and be otherwise controlled by others. We are each capable of almost anything we put our minds to.
The only reason this is not the dominant thought in the collective consciousness is that many of those “in power” fear losing their power by empowering others. So, they keep up the narrative and fear-base to keep the rest of us towing their line.
I see potential and possibilities for everyone. That’s not without knowledge or acknowledgment that bad things do happen. It’s a choice to focus on finding and/or creating better and working from the bad to have and experience good.
Recognizing incredible potential and possibilities isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Knowing that it is our fear-based society and its collective consciousness that’s the lie, we can see the artifice of the lack, scarcity, and insufficiency. When we choose for ourselves an abundance mentality – and seek to find and/or create incredible potential and possibilities – that ultimately empowers us all.
When you are empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to other people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity – a feedback loop everyone can take part in.
Then, together, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That becomes the impetus to improve our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate even more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is ultimately empowering for all.
Everyone is worthy and deserving of all the good we desire.
This is the four hundred and fourth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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